
EVENTS | LSU Early Childhood Education Laboratory School


The Parent Auxiliary Council (PAC) offers volunteer opportunities, at a variety of time commitment levels and times of the year.  Every LSU ECELP parent may engage with the preschool in a way that works best for them while enhancing the learning environment for teachers and children.

PAC Event Opportunities

Family Events - Welcome new families and welcome back returning families during the fall semester, educate on PAC opportunities, and encourage networking and involvement. Plan special events for Mother’s Day, Father’s Day and Grandparent’s Day. This committee reports to the Parent Programs Chair. 

Care Team - This team works with preschool administration to identify and support LSU ECELP families and staff in need throughout the year. They can organize fundraisers, card making, donations, etc. This committee reports to the Parent Programs Chair. 

Teacher/Staff/Student Appreciation â€“ Coordinate and execute the week-long celebration in early May for our teachers and staff. Coordinate a student worker appreciation week in the spring. This committee reports to the Faculty & Staff Programs Chair.  

Faculty/Staff Lounge & Restroom Facilities - Keep the staff lounge and restrooms looking nice by decorating for holidays and throughout the year. Collect supplies from parents for the facilities, such as hand soap, hygiene items, etc. This committee reports to the Faculty & Staff Programs Chair. 

Volunteer & Communications - Coordinate volunteer opportunities and promoting involvement opportunities to parents. This committee reports to the Volunteer & Communications Chair.  

Book Fair - Coordinate volunteers and training for the fall book fair in collaboration with the volunteer committee chair.  This committee reports to the Volunteer & Communications Chair. 

Annual Giving - Work collaboratively with the ECELP development rep to encourage family participation in the annual appeal. This committee reports to the Fundraising Chair. 

Restaurant Nights â€“ Coordinate restaurant nights around town.  This committee reports to the Fundraising Chair. 

Box Tops Program â€“ Encourage participation, collect box tops and coffee labels, and coordinate our submissions to earn cash for the PAC and ECELP.  This committee reports to the Fundraising Chair. 

Room Parents - This group of parents supports the teachers inside each classroom with event coordination and activities. They also assist with coordinating appreciation for the teachers from the entire class. Each class has a designated room parent, who serves on this committee and reports to the room parent chair.  


For more information on how to volunteer or participate, please email us.


LSU Early Childhood Education Laboratory Preschool
Telephone: 225-578-7882
3865 Gourrier Lane
 Baton Rouge, LA 70803
