
BS in Kinesiology

Concentration: Exercise Science and Human Performance

The Exercise Science and Human Performance concentration is designed for students interested in careers related to health and human performance. The course work provides students with the knowledge, skills and abilities required for careers in personal training, strength and conditioning, corporate wellness as well as hospital, government and community-based fitness settings. Many students continue their studies in allied-health professional programs and graduate programs in exercise physiology.

Some related minors include Health Science, Human Ecology, Psychology and Business.

Admission Requirements

Admission into the School of Kinesiology undergraduate program requires a 2.5 GPA and completion with a C or better in English 1001, Math 1021, Math 1022, Biology 1201 and 1202.  

Course Requirements

A total of 120 total semester hours and 2.5 GPA are required for graduation in this concentration.  

General Education Courses 39 Credit Hours
ENG 1001 3
ENG 2000 3
MATH 1021 3
MATH 1022 3
BIOL 1201 3
BIOL 1202 3
PHYS 2001 3
CMST 2060 3
KIN 1600 3
PSYC 2000 3
Humanities Electives 6
Art Electives 3


Kinesiology Core Courses 31 Credit Hours
KIN 2500 3
KIN 2501 3
KIN 2504 3
KIN 3502 3
KIN 3513 3
KIN 3514 3
KIN 3515 3
KIN 4520 3
BIOL 2160 3
KIN 1801 or 1802 or 1803 or 1804 4


Exercise Science and Human Performance Concentration Courses 50 Credit Hours
KIN 3525 1
KIN 3535 3
KIN 4512 3
KIN 4535 3
KIN 4606 3
KIN 4538 6
BIOL 1208 1
BIOL 2083, CHEM 1201, EXST 2201, KIN 2509, KIN 2526, KIN 2530, NFS 1110, KIN 3519, KIN 3605, KIN 3608, KIN 3609, KIN 3660, KIN 4501, KIN 4509, KIN 4513, KIN 4519, KIN 4525, KIN 4530, KIN 4571, KIN 4601, KIN 4605, KIN 4900, PSYC 3050, PSYC 4072 15
Approved Electives 15