
BS in Kinesiology

Concentration:  Human Movement Science

Professions in Human Movement Science

  • Occupational Therapy
  • Physical Therapy
  • Physician Assistant
  • Medicine
  • Dental

The LSU School of Kinesiology offers an interdisciplinary program of study in Human Movement Science designed for students pursuing entrance into various medically related fields. Those fields include but are not limited to Occupational Therapy School, Physical Therapy School, Physician’s Assistant Programs, Dental and Medical Schools. This curriculum in Human Movement Science is designed to provide students an opportunity to pursue studies in areas that will increase their knowledge of human movement performance. The program focuses on contributing to the scientific basis of human movement, developing theory and methods for maintaining health, preventing disability, and improving movement ability. Focusing on normal movement and movement disability requires a unique perspective in research and education that draws upon several interrelated sciences. The program focuses on movement across the lifespan for well and diseased populations.

Human Movement Science curriculum is challenging yet meets the standards of all accredited professional schools to which students seek entrance. Students who have declared Human Movement Science as their concentration are advised and mentored throughout their academic program helping them navigate the necessary steps to be successful both in and out of the classroom.  The program at LSU has graduated numerous students who have attended prestigious professional schools throughout the United States. The combination of the Human Movement Practicum and the cadaver lab has proven to be invaluable to aspiring medical professionals as they compete for the highly coveted admission to graduate program.

For detailed information about professional and graduate programs visit:

Admission Requirements

Admission into the School of Kinesiology undergraduate program requires a 2.5 GPA and completion with a C or better in English 1001, Math 1021, Math 1022, Biology 1201 and 1202.

Course Requirements

Total number of hours required for a BS in Kinesiology Human Movement Science Concentration is 120 hours. The curriculum varies depending on the area of specificity the student chooses to study i.e pre-med, OT, PT, PA but all are 120 hour programs. There are electives the students will need to meet the prerequisites for professional schools which could possibly require additional hours.

Students in the Human Movement Science are not required, but encouraged, to complete KIN 3519 and or KIN 4519 the cadaver lab which requires completion of KIN 2500 (Human Anatomy lecture) with an A or a B.  Students in this concentration are also not required but encouraged to take KIN 4505 the Human Movement Practicum which gives the student needed patient contact hours to fulfill the prerequisites for advanced medically-related degrees.

General Education 39 Credit Hours
ENG 1001   3
ENG 2000 3
MATH 1021   3
MATH 1022 3
BIOL 1201   3
BIOL 1202 3
PHYS 2001 3
CMST 2060 3
Humanities Electives 6
Art Electives 3
Social Science Electives* 6

*Some specialties require PSYC 2000 and/or SOCL 2001 for Social Science General Education)

Kinesiology Core 31 Credit Hours
KIN 2500 3
KIN 2501 3
KIN 2504 3
KIN 3502 3
KIN 3513 3
KIN 3514 3
KIN 3515 3
KIN 4520 3
BIOL 2160 3
KIN Activity Courses 4


Human Movement Science Courses 50 Credit Hours
Required 20 hours
BIOL 1201 3
BIOL 1202 3
BIOL 1208 3
BIOL 1209 3
KIN 3534 3
KIN 4512 3
KIN 4571 3
SOCL 2201 or EXST 2201 3
PHYS 2001 3
PHYS 2002 3
PHYS 2108 3
PHYS 2109 3

Select remaining 30 hours according to specialty

Occupational Therapy 17 Credit Hours
EXST 2201 or SOSC 2201 3
CHEM 1201 3
CSC 1100 or ISDS 1100 3
KIN 2509 3
KIN 2601 3
KIN 3500 or KIN 3519 1
PSYC 2070 or PSYC 4070 3
PSYC 3082 3
Electives 12


Physician Assistant 16 Credit Hours
CHEM 1201 3
CHEM 1202 3
CHEM 1212 3
KIN 2509 3
KIN 3500 OR 3519 1
BIOL 2051 3
Electives 14


Pre-Physical Therapy 23-24 Credit Hours
CSC 1100 or ISDS 1100 3
CHEM 1201 3
CHEM 1202 3
CHEM 1212 3
KIN 3500 OR 3519 1
PSYC 2070 3
PSYC 3082 3
BIOL 2051 or  3090 or 4104 3
ENG 2001 or 2002 or 3003 3
Electives 6-7


Pre-medicine 16 Credit Hours
CHEM 1201 3
CHEM 1202 3
CHEM 1212 3
CHEM 2261 3
CHEM 2262 3
CHEM 2364 3
KIN 3500 OR 3519 1
Electives 14