The College of Human Sciences & Education annually awards various scholarships and fellowships to its undergraduate and graduate students and to students pursuing secondary education concentrations in the College of Humanities & Social Sciences and the College of Science. Scholarship availability, amount and eligibility requirements vary according to donor wishes.
Students interested in other undergraduate and graduate scholarships or fellowships should contact the individual schools (School of Education, School of Information Science, School of Kinesiology, School of Leadership & Human Resource Development, and School of Social Work).
The scholarship application process
LSU is excited to offer a new online scholarship system, to help students across the university in their scholarship search. This system will enable students to search for and apply to various available opportunities funded through the LSU Foundation.
Students can log in using their myLSU credentials. Please be advised there is only one application system for all CHSE scholarships.
The deadline to complete your application through the new online scholarship Application will be March 1 for the 2024-2025 academic year.
If you have questions about these scholarships, please email us. For information about all scholarships at LSU, visit the LSU Financial Aid & Scholarships website.
Global Study Abroad Funds
The College of Human Sciences & Education has established the CHSE Dean’s Global Study Abroad Program to provide financial support to Undergraduate and Graduate Students majoring in a program offered within the College of Human Sciences & Education who participate in an LSU study abroad program offered by Faculty of the College of Human Sciences & Education. The Dean's Global Study Abroad Program provides reimbursement of up to $750 for approved travel expenses of CHSE students who satisfy the following criteria.
- full-time enrolled in an on-campus program
- enrolled in a CHSE major
- having a GPA of 3.0 or above
- participates in an LSU Study Abroad program
Graduate Assistant Travel Grants
The College of Human Sciences & Education has established the CHSE Dean’s Graduate Assistant (GA) Travel Incentive Grant for the Engagement in Research (TIGER) Program to provide financial support to CHSE GAs engaged in formal research activities. The Dean's GA TIGER Program provides reimbursement up to $1,000 for approved travel expenses by any CHSE GA who satisfies the following criteria:
- enrolled in a CHSE graduate program
- employed as graduate assistant
- participates as an officially invited presenter or co-presenter at a professional conference to disseminate scholarly research
- endorsed by the CHSE major professor to present at the professional conference