CHSE Endowed Professors
Endowed professorships are the highest academic award the College can bestow to our top faculty.
Louisiana Nursing Home Association Sister Michael Sibille Professor in Aging and Geriatricsâ€
Carol Barry
Bert R. & Judith I. Boyce Professor in the School of Information Studiesâ€
Katie Campana
Patsy H. Perritt Endowed Professor
Ellen Daugherty
Hines Family Professor in the College of Human Sciences & Education / Laboratory Schoolâ€
Jones S. Davis Distinguished Professor in School of Leadership & Human Resource Development
Mary Ethel Baxter Lipscomb Memorial Endowed Professor in the College of Human Sciences & Educationâ€
Candence Robillard
Elena & Albert LeBlanc Professor in the University Laboratory Schoolâ€
L. M. "Pat" & Mildred Harrison Professor in the College of Human Sciences & Educationâ€
Lois Canulette & W. A. "Buster" Baker Memorial LSU Alumni Association Departmental Professor in the College of Human Sciences & Education†â€
W.H. "Bill" LeBlanc LSU Alumni Association Departmental Professor in the College of Human Sciences & Educationâ€
†LSU Foundation endowed professorship meritoriously awarded on a competitive
basis from among faculty in the College of Human Sciences & Education. In some cases,
eligibility is restricted to a specific school or discipline based on the intent of
the professorship donor.
††LSU Alumni Association departmental endowed professorship meritoriously awarded
on a competitive basis from among faculty in the College of Human Sciences & Education
†††LSU Alumni Association endowed professorship meritoriously awarded on a competitive
basis from among all faculty at LSU