
Distinguished Communicators (CxC) 

LSU Distinguished Communicators is a unique academic excellence program where students work to refine their communication skills and learn discipline-specific approaches to communication. The coveted designation of "Distinguished Communicator" becomes part of official transcripts and gives the certified graduate significant leverage in today’s job market. LSU is one of the only universities in the country recognizing students who excel in communicating within their discipline. 

Due to all the Communication-Intensive (C-I) courses in our curriculum, BE students are in a unique position that enables them to qualify as Distinguished Communicators without having to take any extra coursework. 

Students interested in pursuing the LSU Distinguished Communicators certification must:

  • apply to the program prior to completing 80 hours of course work (Students with more than 80 hours, but at least 3 semesters remaining, are still eligible.)
  • contract with a faculty advisor at least 4 semesters prior to graduation and meet regularly to ensure timely submission of all components needed for certification
  • attend DC Housekeeping meeting once a year to check in about progress
  • earn a B- or higher in at least 4 C-I courses – minimum course mode credits: 3 written, 2 spoken, 1 visual & 1 tech (Approved individual C-I contract may be applied)
  • participate in a minimum of 3 approved workshops designed to improve communication skills
  • compile evidence of communication skills to demonstrate exceptional proficiencies in all four modes
  • reflect on your communication skills and experiences
  • participate in an experiential learning activity related to your field that enables you to practice effective communication skills
  • serve in a leadership role
  • complete an approved public portfolio showcasing your communication skills
  • be in good academic and disciplinary standing with the university 


Core BE Classes


For more information and to learn how to apply to this student recognition program, click here. 

Learn more about CxC and Apply

C-I Courses Offered in BE

(Modes: T - tech, V - visual, S - spoken, W - written)

BE 1251 (T/W)

BE 1252 (V/W)

BE 2350 (T/V)

BE 3320 (S/V)

BE 3340 (S/W)

BE 4303 (S/W)

BE 4390 (S/W)

BE 4392 (S/W)

BE Design Electives

BE 4334 (V/W)

BE 4335 (S/V)

BE 4336 (S/W)

BE 4337 (S/V)