BAE offers several scholarships to BE and BAE students each spring. Selection of the recipients are made by the department's scholarship committee.
Descriptions of the BAE scholarships:
Harold T. Barr Memorial Scholarship is given to an outstanding junior who is enrolled as a full-time student. Selection is based on a minimum GPA of 3.0 and financial need.
Richard L. Bengtson Endowed Scholarship is given to a full-time student who has a minimum GPA of 3.0 and is a U.S. citizen. Financial need is a consideration.
William H. and Barbara A. Brown Scholarship is given to a full-time undergraduate student or half-time graduate student, who must maintain a GPA of 3.0. Special consideration shall be given to a student who has participated in an engineering internship program.
Albert P. Halluin Memorial Scholarship is sponsored by the LSU Alumni Association and is given to a junior and senior full-time student with interests in nanotechnology. Selection is based on a minimum GPA of 3.0 and current project work with nanotechnology.
Mansel M. Mayeux Honorary Scholarship is given to an outstanding full-time student who is a U.S. citizen. Selection is based on a minimum GPA of 2.5 and financial need.
Wiley D. Poole Memorial Scholarship is given an outstanding sophomore, junior or senior with a minimum GPA of 3.0, a full-time student and is also based on financial need. The student must be a U.S. citizen.
Scott-Windham Scholarship is given a full-time sophomore. Selection is based on a minimum GPA of 2.5 and the financial need.
Carl H. and Christine F. Thomas Family Scholarship is given to an outstanding full-time sophomore, junior or senior with a minimum GPA of 3.0.
Charles E. Severance Endowed Fellowship is given to a full time BAE graduate student who is a US citizen. Financial need is a consideration. Preference is given to students who have 4-H club experience.
Other Scholarships
BESO Michael Mailander Memorial Scholarship is given through the
Louisiana Section of ASABE Student Scholarship is through the