Carlos Astete
Assistant Professor - Research
149 E. B. Doran Bldg, LSU Baton Rouge, LA 70803-4505
Email Address:
Office Phone:
Phone: (225) 578-5025 / Fax: (225) 578-3492
Research Interests
- Nanoscale delivery systems
- Nanoscale engineering
- Biomaterials
- Colloidal systems characterization
Educational Background
- 2010 - Ph.D. in Engineering Science, 51Âþ», Baton Rouge, LA
- 2005 - M.S. in Biological & Agricultural Engineering, 51Âþ», Baton Rouge, LA
- 2000 - M.B.A., Adolfo Ibanez University, Department of Administration, Chile
- 1995 - B.S. in Biochemical Engineering, Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaiso, Chile
Selected Publications
Sabliov, C. M. and Carlos E. Astete (2015). Polymeric nanoparticles for food applications. In C. M. Sabliov, H. Chen and R. Yada (Ed.). Nanotechnology and Functional Foods: Effective Delivery of Bioactive Ingredients. Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN: 978-1-118-46220-1
Sabliov, C. M. and Carlos E. Astete (2008). Encapsulation and controlled release of antioxidants and vitamins via polymeric nanoparticles. In N. Garti. (Ed.) Delivery and Controlled Release of Bioactives in Foods and Nutraceuticals. Woodhead Publishing. ISBN 9781845691455.
Articles in Refereed Journals
Paudel, S., Pena Bahamonde, J., Shakiba, S., Astete, Carlos E., Louie, S. M., Sabliov,
C. M., and Rodrigues, D. F. 2021. Prevention of infection caused by enteropathogenic
E. coli O157:H7 in intestinal cells using enrofloxacin entrapped in polymer based
nanocarriers. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 414, 125454, DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2021.125454.
Cerbu, C., Kah, M., White, J. C., Astete, Carlos E., Sabliov, C. M. 2021. Fate of Biodegradable Engineered Nanoparticles Used in Veterinary Medicine as Delivery Systems from a One Health Perspective. Molecules, 26:523, DOI: 10.3390/molecules26030523.
Bonser, C., Chen, X., Astete, Carlos E., Sabliov, C. E., and Davis, J. 2020. Elucidating Efficacy of Ingested Positively Charged Zein Nanoparticles Against Noctuidae. Journal of Economic Entomology, 113: 2739–2744, DOI: 10.1093/jee/toaa199.
Astete, Carlos E., De Mel, J., Gupta, S., Noh, R., Bleuel, M., Schneider, G., Sabliov, C. 2020. Lignin graft poly(lactic-co-glycolic) acid biopolymer for polymeric nanoparticle synthesis. ACS Omega, 5, 9892-9902, DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.0c00168.
Shakiba, S., Astete, Carlos E., Paudel, S., Sabliov, C.M., Rodrigues, D.F., Louie, S.M. 2020. Emerging investigator series: polymeric nanocarriers for agricultural applications: synthesis, characterization, and environmental and biological interactions. Environmental Science: Nano, 7, 37-67, DOI: 10.1039/C9EN01127G
Byrne, C.E., Astete, Carlos E., Vaithiyanathan, M., Melvin, A.T., Moradipour, M., Rankin, S. E. Knutson, B.L., Sabliov, C.M., Martin, E.C. 2020. Lignin-graft-PLGA drug-delivery system improves efficacy of MEK1/2 inhibitors in triple-negative breast cancer cell line. Nanomedicine, 15, 10, 981-1000, DOI: 10.2217/nnm-2020-0010
Belgodere, J.A., Zamin, S.A., Kalinoski, R.M., Astete, Carlos E., Penrod, J.C., Hamel, K.M., Lynn, B.C., Rudra, J.S., Shi, J., Jung, J.P. 2019., Modulating Mechanical Properties of Collagen–Lignin Composites. ACS Applied Biomaterials, 2,8, 3562-3572, 19, DOI: 10.1021/acsabm.9b00444.
Dugas, T.R., Brewer, G., Fradella, T., Braun, J., Astete, Carlos E., Jennings, N.H., and Sabliov, C. 2019. Nanoentrapped polyphenol coating for the sustained release from a balloon catheter. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research: Part B-Applied Biomaterials, 107B, 3, 646-651, DOI: 10.1002/jbm.b.34157.
Dideolu D., Khachatryan, L., Astete, Carlos E., Asatryan, R., Marculescu, C., Boldor, D. 2019. Sulfur contaminations inhibit depolymerization of kraft lignin. Bioresource Technology, 8, 100341, DOI: 10.1016/j.biteb.2019.100341.
Bodoki, E., Vostinaru, O., Samoila, O., Dinte, D., Swetledge, S., Astete, Carlos E., Sabliov, C. 2019. Topical nanodelivery system of lutein for the prevention of selenite-induced cataract. Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine, 15, 188-197.
Prasad, A., Astete, Carlos E., Bodoki, A.E., Windham, M., Bodoki, E., Sabliov, C.M. 2018. Zein Nanoparticles Uptake and Translocation in Hydroponically Grown Sugar Cane Plants. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 66 (26), 6544-6551. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.7b02487.
Ristroph, K., Astete, Carlos E., Bodoki, E., Sabliov, C., 2017. Zein nanoparticle uptake by hydroponically grown soybean plants. Environmental Science & Technology, 51(24), 14065-14071, DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.7b03923.
Ye, F., Astete, Carlos E., Sabliov, C. 2017. Entrapment and delivery of α-tocopherol by a self-assembled, alginate-conjugated prodrug nanostructure. Food Hydrocolloids, 71, 62-72, DOI: 10.1016/j.foodhyd.2017.05.032.
Astete, Carlos E., Constant, D., Thibodeaux, L. 2016. Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds as Chemical Tracers for Estimating Soil Particle Biodiffusion Coefficients: Application of Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Earthworm Bioturbation at a Grassland Site. Soil Science, Sep/Oct, 181, 457-464, DOI: 10.1097/SS.0000000000000178.
Nde, D.B., Boldor, D., Astete, Carlos E., Muley, P. and Xu, Z. 2016. Oil extraction from sheanut (Vitellaria paradoxa Gaertn C.F.) kernels assisted by microwaves. Journal of Food Science and Technology, March, 53(3):1424-1434. DOI 10.1007/s13197-015-2160-1.
Nde, D., Astete, Carlos E., and Boldor, D. 2015. Optimization of microwave assisted extraction parameters of neem (Azadirachta indica A. Juss) oil using the Doehlert’s experimental design. Industrial Crops and Products, 65, 233-240.
Navarro, S., Darensbourg, C., Cross, L., Stout, R., Coulon, D., Astete, Carlos E., Morgan, T. Sabliov, C. 2014. Biodistribution of Poly(lactic-co-glycolic) acid (PLGA) and PLGA/Chitosan nanoparticles after repeat-dose oral delivery in F344 rats for seven days. Therapeutic Delivery, 5(11), 1191-2101.
Muse, E., Patel, N., Damann, K.E., Astete, Carlos E., Sabliov, C. 2014. Surface association and uptake of Poly(lactic-co-glycolic) acid Nanoparticles by Aspergillus flavus. Therapeutic Delivery, 5 (11), 1179-1190.
Astete, Carlos E., Meador, D.S., Spivak, D., Sabliov, C. 2013. Synthesis of Vitamin E-Carnosine (Vecar): New Antioxidant Molecule with Potential Application in Atherosclerosis. Synthetic Communications, 43, 1299-1313.
Astete, Carlos E., D. Dolliver, M. Whaley, L. Khachatryan, C. M. Sabliov. 2011. Antioxidant PLGA nanoparticles made with novel alpha-tocopherol-ascorbic acid surfactant. ACS Nanotechnology, 5 (12): 9313-25.
Murugeshu, A., Carlos E. Astete, C. Leonardi, and C. M. Sabliov. 2011. Chitosan/PLGA particles for controlled release of alpha-tocopherol in the gastrointestinal tract via oral administration. Nanomedicine, 6 (9): 1513-1528.
Chandler, P., Carlos E. Astete, and C. M. Sabliov. 2010. Stability of beta-carotene entrapped in Ca2+ crosslinked alginic acid nanoparticles. Agro FOOD Industry High-tech, special issue on Natural Colors. 21(5): 24-28.
Astete, Carlos E., C. M. Sabliov, F. Watanabe, and A. Biris. 2009. Ca2+ crosslinked alginic acid nanoparticles for solubilization of lipophilic natural colorants. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 57 (16): 7505–7512.