
Randy Price

Randy Price headshotAdjunct Assistant Professor


Central Region: 8208 Tom Bowman Drive Alexandria, LA 71302

Email Address:


Office Phone:

Phone: (318) 427-4424 / Fax: (318) 473-6503

Research Interests

  • Precision farming technologies including drones and UAS systems (remote sensing and agricultural sprayer drones)
  • Sugarcane yield monitors and mechanical planter sensors and control systems
  • Agricultural mechanical systems

Current Responsibilities

  • Teaching Responsibilities: State-wide extension activities including drone operation, use and licensing needed for operation.
  • Extension Responsibilities: Louisiana Agri-climatic Information Service (LAIS) weather station system.

Educational Background

  • University of Illinois, Agricultural Engineering, Ph.D., 2000
  • Purdue University, Agricultural Engineering, M.S., 1992
  • Oklahoma State University, Agricultural Engineering, B.S., 1988

Selected Publications

Price, R.R. 2021. “Two Good Drones for Crop Scouting and General Farm Use”.  Louisiana Crops Newsletter. Vol.11(4). 

Price R.R., Burns, D., Flanagan, J, Frazier, R.L., Shiratsuchi, L. 2019. “Selecting the Right Computer for Drone Mapping”. Publication No. 3708.

Price, R.R. 2018 A Low-Cost Spot Laser and Camera System for Fluorescent Dye Detection of Agricultural Aircraft Pattern Collection Strings. Applied Eng. in Ag. Vol. 34(1):187-193.

Price, R.R. 2018. "Build Your Own Sprayer Drone (online only)". Publication No. 3633.

Price, R.R., Flanagan, Jimmy W. 2018. "Low-Cost Drone Mapping System for Crop Scouting ". Publication No. 3659.

Price, R.R. 2018. "Build Your Own Low-Cost Drone to Map Large Areas for Fun and Research ". Publication No. P3627.

Price, R.R. 2018. "UAS and Drone Rules for Commercial, Recreational and Governmental Use". Publication No. P3628.

Price, R.R., R.M. Johnson, R.P. Viator. 2017. An Overhead Optical Yield Monitor for a Sugarcane Harvester Based on Two Optical Distance Sensors Mounted Above the Loading Elevator. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 33(5):687-693.

Hall, S.G., D. Smith, R.R. Price, M. Thomas, and J. Steyer.  Robots and Artificial Reefs for Water Conservation and Management  in “Louisiana Agriculture”.  Summer 2015. Vol. 58(3). pp.24-25.

Price, R.R., S.G. Hall. 2012. Design, Development, and Testing of an Autonomous Boat to Reduce Predatory Birds on Aquaculture Ponds. Biological Engineering Transactions. 5(2):61-70.