
Student Organizations

Students are encouraged to actively participate in professional/technical organizations. These organizations provide an opportunity to improve their communication, management, and leadership skills.

American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)

The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) is a professional organization with a student chapter at LSU. We strive to familiarize the students with the profession and job opportunities by inviting professors, professional engineers, and organizations to speak at our bi-monthly meetings.

Contact Information

Contact E-mail: asce@lsu.edu

Chi Epsilon Honors Society

Dedicated to the purpose of maintaining and promoting the status of Civil Engineering as an ideal profession, Chi Epsilon was organized to recognize the characteristics of the individual Civil Engineer deemed to be fundamental to successful pursuit of an engineering career, and to aid in the development of those characteristics in the Civil Engineering student. Engineering is assuming an increasing responsibility for the physical well-being of all people, and thus calling for competence of a high order. This responsibility can be discharged only by a professional group whose members are possessed of a good basic technical ability, intelligence, moral integrity, and effective social poise in their relationship with a larger community of which they are a part. To contribute to the improvement of the profession, Chi Epsilon fosters the development and exercise of sound traits of character and technical ability among Civil Engineers, and its members, by precept and example, toward an ever-higher standard of professional service.

Contact Information

Contact E-mail: chiepsilon@lsu.edu

Coasts, Oceans, Ports & Rivers Institute (COPRI) 

The COPRI - LSU Student Chapter is a multi-disciplinary student chapter and all are welcome who are LSU students and interested in water related studies. 

Contact Information

Contact E-mail: copri@lsu.edu


Engineers Without Borders

The 51Âþ»­ Student Chapter of Engineers Without Borders USA (EWB-USA) is a service organization designed to provide technical assistance and equipment to aid development in local and international communities. The chapter was resurrected in January 2010. It has 150+ members. The chapter also has ties to the LSU Community Playground Project which provides playgrounds to local schools.

Contact Information


LSU Chapter:

Louisiana Water and Environmental Association (LWEA)

LWEA at LSU was chartered in 1997 as a student organization of the state chapter, Louisiana Water Environment Association, which is part of the international Water Environment Federation. As affiliates of these organizations, the chapter seeks to improve awareness and appreciation of our often delicate water environments, especially here in Louisiana. From marshes and swamps, to rivers and lakes, our community of bright and upcoming environmental professionals looks to conserve, care for, and understand all of our beautiful water environments! Along with a chance to get informed, the chapter also promotes strong professor-student relations, networking with industry leaders, and career advice.

Contact Information

Contact E-mail: lwealsu@gmail.com

National Society for Black Engineers (NSBE)

The LSU chapter of NSBE was founded in 1983. NSBE promotes the recruitment, retention, and graduation of black and multi-cultural students in engineering. The chapter's activities are supported by ConocoPhillips, Fluor Enterprise, The Dow Chemical Company, Air Products, and Chevron.

Contact Information

Contact E-mail: lsu.nsbe@gmail.com

Society of Hispanic Engineers (SHPE)

The LSU Chapter of SHPE was founded in 1992. SHPE is a national society of student and professional Hispanic engineers whose organizational mission is to recruit Hispanic students into leadership in engineering and to serve as a link to the corporate world for its members. Through national and regional conferences and leadership symposiums, the members get the opportunity to interact with all of the nations' leading employers. The Chapter's activities are supported by ConocoPhillips, Fluor Enterprise, The Dow Chemical Company, Air Products, Albermarle, and Chevron.

Contact Information

Contact E-mail: shpelsu@gmail.com

Society of Women Engineers (SWE)

The LSU Chapter of SWE was founded in 1976. The Society of Women Engineers LSU Section is a not-for-profit educational and service organization. It was established as a driving force and support system for women at LSU who aspire to be highly successful engineers. The chapter's activities are supported by ConocoPhillips, Fluor Enterprise, The Dow Chemical Company, Air Products, and Chevron. If you are interested in joining SWE, contact the officers below or go to the .

Contact Information

Contact E-mail: swe@lsu.edu