Accessibility Training Opportunities
Faculty Training
Faculty are responsible for making their instructional materials accessible. Content and materials posted on a website, Moodle or any other resource intended for instructional purposes must be accessible. To assist faculty with this task, the LSU Online and Continuing Education team is excited to offer a faculty professional development course titled Designing and Teaching Accessible Courses. This course will be offered in both a blended format and a fully online format. For more information and to register, visit or email FTC@LSU.EDU.
Website Training
All digital developers and content managers must be familiar with accessibility standards and how to apply these standards when creating and updating digital content. Website Accessibility Training is required for all website content managers in Omni CMS. The LSU Office of Communications and University Relations (OCUR) offers accessibility training for website content managers. The training is customized for individuals managing content within the university website content management system (WCMS), OMNI CMS. However, the information presented will be helpful to users managing website content through other platforms. The training includes the following:
- What is online/digital accessibility and why it's important
- Benchmarks for accessibility
- Understanding and creating an Equally Effective Alternate Access Plan
- Creating and maintaining accessible digital content
- Publishing checks in Omni CMS
- Accessibility resources for checking file types (pdf, ppt, doc, etc.)
- Video, social media, and email accessibility
Register to attend website accessibility training.
Mandatory Annual Training
LSU is requiring that each classified employee, professional employee, faculty (including emeritus and Gratis), other academic, contingent/transient, graduate/teaching assistant, WAE position, and student worker complete the Digital Resource and Content Accessibility Awareness training each calendar year by December 31. As there are many unique classifications of faculty and staff, the unit head has the discretion to determine if a position is entitled to an exemption. Exemptions should be based on whether a position creates or disseminates digital content.
Trades positions, custodial staff, and students (who are not employed by LSU) are exempt from this training.
A link to this training can be found on the site, at the bottom of the page. For questions about this course, or if you have difficulty accessing, please reach out to LSU Human Resources at HRMTRAINING@LSU.EDU.
LSU ADA Supervisory Training
What is Act 103 of the LA Regular Legislative Session?
(effective 05/25/2022) provides guidance for the development and implementation by state agencies of policies, training, and reporting relative to compliance with requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
Who has to take the training?
Any LSU employee who has duties as a supervisor is required to take the training. This includes persons assigned to supervisory roles over currently vacant positions. Act 103 defines a supervisor as “a public employee or an elected official responsible for overseeing the productivity, work behavior, and attendance of other public employees of the agency”.
What is the training requirement?
All new hires into supervisory roles or current employees who assume supervisory responsibilities must complete the 1-hour training within 90 days of the hire or promotion/job change, and then every three years thereafter.
Where can I access the training?
Persons who are identified as having supervisory roles in Workday have been loaded into a training course within Moodle. Users should login with their LSU A&M credentials (for those who may hold dual appointments). The course is titled . For users not pre-enrolled, the course is set to allow for manual enrollment by clicking "enroll me in this course" when first attempting to access it. Should a user experience a barrier due to a disability or have trouble accessing the course, they should contact HRMTRAINING@LSU.EDU.
Why do we have to take the training?
Louisiana requires the training and reporting of training to provide uniform guidance for all supervisors regarding the application of and adherence to ADA guidelines across all state agencies.
What happens if I don’t take the training?
Each state agency must report annually to the State ADA Coordinator regarding their compliance with this training requirement. Act 103 renders each individual’s record of compliance, or non-compliance, a public record in accordance with Public Record Law. Failure to complete this or any required training should be noted on annual job performance reviews.