Procurement and Use of Products 

All online products must be reviewed for compliance with LSU's required accessibility standards. Software acquisition and use is governed by LSU PM50: Review and Approval for Acquisition of Software and Services and by LSU PS121: Acceptable Use.  

Software Acquisition Process 

In an effort to provide continuous improvement and a high quality of services regarding all of LSU’s software acquisition needs, Information Technology Services in collaboration with the Digital Resource & Content Committee (DRC), IT Governance Council, and Procurement use a streamlined software acquisition process. 

Information security, protection of university data, and ensuring LSU is using software products that meet accessibility standards are the fundamental drivers for review of software acquisitions.  An additional benefit of the review is to ensure that LSU funds are used efficiently, and duplication of software purchases are reduced where possible.   


Free Online Products 

If a unit is utilizing a free online product, the product still must be reviewed for accessibility compliance. The managing unit is responsible for submitting the product via the IT100 process for review and ensuring compliance upon implementation. 

Purchased Online Products 

Units interested in purchasing an online product must begin the process with the LSU IT Portfolio Management Office. Level of compliance with both WCAG and WAI-ARIA should be used to identify potential products and in the final selection process. 


When working with an online vendor, units should request a VPAT, voluntary product accessibility template. For more information regarding VPATs, please visit . LSU currently accepts both the WCAG and the 508 versions. 

Beginning with version 3, the now includes accessibility criteria, and thus will be accepted in lieu of a VPAT. 

Equally Effective Alternate Access 

Units will develop an equally effective alternate access plan, or EEAAP, for all supported software and digital resources. An EEAAP is a proactive plan established to provide support and access to materials or services in the event that a user experiences a barrier due to a disability. More information regarding how to create an EEAAP can be found here: .