
Mission | LSU Facility Services

Mission & Vision


To serve the campus community and support the University's mission through oversight of planning, design, and construction while maintaining facilities, infrastructure, landscape, roadways, and parking lots that are accessible and compliant in an innovative, sustainable, efficient, and customer service-focused manner.


To incorporate financial, planning, design, and construction best practices with innovative, cost efficient, and responsive maintenance services that support both the University’s mission of education, research, and outreach and the goals of Strategic Plan 2025.


  • Providing exceptional customer service and quality workmanship;
  • Creating, promoting, and maintaining a safe and healthy campus community;
  • Considerate of the physical campus in future decades in decision making;
  • Being good stewards of resources and funding;
  • Treating every member of the university community with courtesy, dignity and respect;
  • Accountable for the department’s actions and good stewards of personnel and resources;
  • Operating in an ethical manner;
  • Validating and incorporating new and emerging technologies;
  • Creating and implementing sustainability practices to reduce LSU’s carbon footprint and energy costs