
Geoscience Publications

As one of only a handful of publishing arms in geography departments nationwide, LSU Geoscience Publications is the publishing section of the LSU Department of Geography and Anthropology.

Among its many works, Geoscience Publications houses the Geoscience and Man Series, the journal Historical Geography, the Kniffen Monograph Series, and the Journal of Mayan Linguistics. There are many other miscellaneous publications produced here, as well as many maps and digitized boundary files, including the Historical United States County (HUSCO) boundary files.

Geoscience Publications not only sells these within the University community, but also nationally and internationally to booksellers, bookstores, libraries, and individuals.

Contact Us

227 Howe-Russell-Kniffen Geoscience Complex
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
Phone: 225-578-5942
Fax: 225-578-4420
Office hours: M-F 08:00 - 16:30