
Course Offerings

The following descriptions are of Geography and Anthropology courses as shown in the . The most recent course offerings are updated by LSU once a day. Changes to course availability made during the day will not be reflected until the next day.  Please visit the. 


Listed as GEOG in the LSU catalog

The course number is listed at the beginning of the course description. General education courses are marked with an asterisk (*). Total credit hours are in parenthesis.

Core Curriculum

(Required of majors)
*GEOG 1001 Human Geography: Americas and Europe (3)
GEOG 1001 and GEOG 1003 need not be taken in numerical order. Principal themes of human geography, including the spatial distributions and interactions of culture, history, economy, population and environment, with a regional emphasis on the Americas and Europe.

*GEOG 1003 Human Geography: Africa and Asia (3)
 GEOG 1001 and 1003 need not be taken in numerical order. Principal themes of human geography, including the spatial distributions and interactions of culture, history, economy, population and environment, with a regional emphasis on Africa and Asia.

GEOG 2040 Geospatial Technology (3)
Introduction to concepts and applications of modern geospatial technologies to various disciplines. Discusses the collection, input, storage, analysis, and visualization of spatial and attribute data.

*GEOG 2050 Physical Geography: The Atmosphere (3)
May be taken for elective geology credit. Physical principles, processes and operations in the atmosphere; world climatic realms.

*GEOG 2051 Physical Geography: Land and Water Surfaces, Plant and Animal Realms (3)
Surface elements of the earth’s environment; relationships among these elements.

Mapping Sciences

(All majors select three courses)


GEOG 4044 Computer Cartography (3)
No programming knowledge necessary. Introduction to selected mapping packages.

Remote Sensing

GEOG 4020 Aerial Photo Interpretation and Image Processing (3)
Credit will not be given for both this course and ANTH 4024. Analysis and mapping of geological features, hydrological process, land forms, cultural features, natural resource, and environmental phenomena from aerial photographs and satellite images.

GEOG 4045 Environmental Remote Sensing (3)
May be taken for elective geology credit. Basic energy and matter relationships; principles of primary remote sensors; environment studied via remote sensing techniques.


GEOG 3043 Crime Mapping (3)
See SOCL 4466.

GEOG 4041 Field Methods in Physical Geography (3)
Methods, tools, and instruments employed in the field by physical geographers; measurement theory; tools and techniques in data collection, reduction, analysis, and presentation.

GEOG 4042 Enterprise Geographic Information Systems (3)
Also offered as ANTH 4042. The use of vector-based GIS application software for the input, management, analysis and presentation of geospatial data. Emphasis is placed on how the GIS relates to database management systems as part of building an enterprise-wide GIS.

GEOG 4043 Crime GIS (3)
Also offered as SOCL 4466. Prereq.: Any one of the following courses: GEOG 2040, GEOG 4044, GEOG 4047, GEOG 4048, SOCL 4466.  Advanced spatial crime analysis, modeling, and mapping using Geographic Information Systems (GIS).

GEOG 4046 Web GIS (3)
Visualizing, analyzing, and distributing spatial data via web technologies. Emphasis placed on how the technologies of web servers, geographic information system software, and database management systems interact to make map-enabled websites possible.

GEOG 4047 Geographic Information Systems (3)
Geographic information systems used in land resource management and planning; data structures and algorithms for automated retrieval and analysis of spatial data; structuring cartographic data into spatial data; integration of remotely sensed data into geographic information systems.

GEOG 4048 Methods of Spatial Analysis (3)
Mathematical, statistical and spatial analytical methods for handling and interpreting data related to geography.

GEOG 4049 Geospatial Applications of Small Unoccupied Aircraft Systems (3)
2 hrs. lecture; 2 hrs. lab. Geospatial Applications of Small Unoccupied Aircraft Systems in Human and Physical Geography and in Disaster Science Management. 

Human Geography

(B.A. candidates select two systematic and one regional course)


GEOG 2010 Human Geography (3)
Survey of patterns and processes of world’s cultures and landscapes.

GEOG 2080 Humans and the Environment(3)
Exploration of geographic concepts that underlie nature-society relationships and human-dimensions of environmental change.

GEOG 4073 Urban Geography (3)
Internal arrangement, external relations and locational aspects of urban places, with emphasis on U.S.; urban places identified by presence of tertiary economic activities.

GEOG 4074 Place and Culture (3)
See ANTH 4074.

GEOG 4077 Economic Geography (3)
Location, characteristics and relationships of primary, secondary and tertiary economic activity; measurements and theories of location of economic endeavor.

GEOG 4078 Environment and Development (3)
Geographic theories and methods for analyzing relationship between environment and development.

GEOG 4079 Geography of Religion (3)
Also offered as REL 4079. Theory and methods of analyzing the culture and movement of religious rituals and traditions over space and time.

GEOG 4080 Historical Geography (3)
Advanced concepts and principles of historical geography.

GEOG 4086 Human-Environment Interactions (3)
Also offered as ANTH 4086. Cultural adaptation to difficult and distinctive environments, including mountains and highlands, the arctic, deserts, the humid tropics and grasslands; subsistence strategies, local knowledge, household economies, land use practices and resource management institutions.

GEOG 4087 Gender, Place, and Culture (3)
Also offered as ANTH 4087 and WGS 4087. The geographies of everyday life showing how notions of maleness and femaleness influence how we understand and relate to the world around us, from our built environment, to the places we invest with meaning, and the very ways we live, work, travel and explore.


GEOG 3001 Geography of Louisiana (3)
Development and current distribution of physical and human geography of Louisiana.

GEOG 4002 South Asian Society, Polity, and Culture (3)
See INTL 4002.

GEOG 4031 Latin America and the Caribbean (3)
Physical and cultural geography of Latin America and the Caribbean.

GEOG 4033 Geography of Central Asia and Afghanistan (3)
Also offered as INTL 4033. Survey of the geography of Central Asia and Afghanistan; emphasis on geographic elements of the history, ecology, environment, economy and strategic importance of the region.

GEOG 4037 Geography of China (3)
Geographic survey of natural environment, population and economy of China and its relationships to the rest of the world.

GEOG 4051 North Africa and the Middle East (3)
Also offered as INTL 4051. Survey of the geography of North Africa and the Middle East; emphasis on the geographic elements of the history, ecology, economy and politics of the region.

GEOG 4052 Geography of the United States and Canada (3)
Physical and cultural geography of the United States and Canada.

Physical Geography

(B.S. candidates select any three courses)


GEOG 3013 Meteorology (3)
Temporal and areal variations in composition and structure of the atmosphere; meteorological instruments and measurements.

GEOG 4014 Climatology (3) 
Prereq.: GEOG 2050 or equivalent. Climatic phenomena; methods in development of regional climatology.

GEOG 4015 Physical Climatology (3)
Also offered as ENVS 4015. Prereq.: GEOG 3013 or GEOG 4014 or equivalent and MATH 1552 or equivalent. May be taken for elective geology credit. Exchanges of radiation, energy, matter and momentum between the earth’s surface and the atmosphere that produce characteristic environmental conditions near the ground important to both rural and urban land uses.

GEOG 4016 Methods of Climatological Analysis (3) 
Prereq.: GEOG 3013 or GEOG 4014 or equivalent. Analysis and interpretation of climatological data and application to physical and human problems.

GEOG 4017 Hurricane Climatology (3)
Prereq.: GEOG 3013 or GEOG 4016; EXST 2201, EXST 7004, or EXST 7005; or permission of instructor.  North Atlantic hurricane climatology using The R Project for Statistical Computing. Basic and complex statistical approaches with climatic data are utilized to assist in the understanding of hurricane climatology. Statistical methods taught are applicable to many areas outside of climatology.

GEOG 4221 The Tropical Atmosphere (3)
Prereq.: GEOG 3013 or GEOG 4014. Comparative analysis of the tropical and mid-latitude atmospheric circulation systems, including monsoon systems, tropical cyclones and easterly waves; elements of interannual tropical variability such as El Niño-Southern Oscillation.

Geomorphology and Coastal

GEOG 4018 Geographical Hydrology (3)
Prereq.: MATH 1021 or equivalent. 2 hrs. lecture; 2 hrs. lab. Analysis of basic hydrologic processes with geographical perspective; variability of runoff and groundwater; floods and droughts; climatic and land use impacts on local and global water resources.

GEOG 4022 Geomorphology (3)
Prereq.: GEOG 2051 or GEOL 1001. May be taken for elective geology credit. Basic principles underlying the study of land forms; emphasis on processes shaping the natural landscape.

GEOG 4024 Coastal Morphodynamics (3)
Prereq.: MATH 1021, MATH 1022, MATH 1023. See OCS 4024.

GEOG 4025 Fluvial Geomorphology (3)
Also offered as GEOL 4025. Prereq.: GEOG 2051, or permission of department. Physical processes and landforms associated with river systems.

GEOG 4029 Coastal Resources and Management (3)
Introduction to coastal environments and contemporary global coastal and estuarine management.

Biogeography and Environment

GEOG 3070 Environmental Conservation (3)
Factors governing human use of the earth and its resources.

GEOG 4083 Environmental Change of the Ice Age (3)
Also offered as ANTH 4083. Prereq.: GEOG 2050 and GEOG 2051 or GEOL 1001 and GEOL 1003 or consent of the instructor. Theory of climatic variability on orbital to inter-annual time scales and the methods of reconstructing ecological and climatic variability with biological, geological and historical archives.

Other Geography Courses

GEOG 2200 Hazards, Disasters and the Environment (3)
Exploration of the interaction processes between natural/technical hazards and society that cause disasters; introduction to the natural and technological hazards and disasters; hazards and disaster management; environmental considerations and impacts.

GEOG 2210 Fundamentals of Emergency Management (3)
Introduction and overview of emergency management functions and processes in federal, state and local governments; roles of nonprofit and private organizations in disaster planning, response and recovery; critical management issues in effective response and recovery to natural and man made hazards.

GEOG 4023 Coastal and Shallow-Marine Depositional Systems (3)
May be taken for elective geology credit. See GEOL 4023.

GEOG 4061 Political Geography (3)
Political geography concerns how politics is geographical and geography is political. Topics include international relations and geopolitics, electoral geography and redistricting, the nation-state and other forms of political organization, and practices of political territorialization and bordering.

GEOG 4090 The History of Geography (3)
3 hrs. lecture and proseminar discussion. Development of geography since ancient times; emphasis on the 19th and 20th centuries.

GEOG 4164 Deltaic Geology (3)
See GEOL 4164.

GEOG 4200 Hazard Risk Reduction (3)
Exploration of advanced concepts and practices in the geography of hazard risk reduction. 

GEOG 4995 Internship (1-3)
Also offered as ANTH 4995. Prereq.: Permission of instructor.  Faculty supervised field study with an agency or organization whose mission is considered relevant to the emergency management system or disaster planning, response or mitigation.

GEOG 4997 Special Topics in Geography (3)
May be taken for a max. of 6 sem. hrs. of credit when topics vary. Permission of instructor.

GEOG 4998 Independent Reading and Research in Geography (1-6)
An honors course, GEOG 4999, is also available. Credit will not be given for this course and GEOG 4999. Prereq.: written consent of instructor. May be taken for a max. of 9 sem. hrs. of credit.
Supervised study or research on topics selected by qualified advanced students.

GEOG 4999 HONORS: Independent Reading and Research in Geography (1-6) 
Same as GEOG 4998, with special honors emphasis for qualified students. Permission of instructor. Credit will not be given for this course and GEOG 4998.

GEOG 7074 Poetics of Place (3)
Same as ANTH 7074.

GEOG 7901 Introduction to Graduate Study (1)
Same as ANTH 7901. Techniques and methods of their profession for incoming graduate students.

GEOG 7902 Introduction to Research Methods in Geography (3)

GEOG 7906 Settlement Geography: Exploration (3)
May be taken for a max. of 9 hrs. of credit with consent of department.

GEOG 7911 Selected Topics in Geography (3)
May be taken for a max. of 9 hrs. when topics vary. Permission of department.

GEOG 7917 Advanced Physical Geography (3)
May be taken for a max. of 9 hrs. of credit with consent of department.

GEOG 7921, GEOG 7922, GEOG 7923 Research and Field Work in Geography (3-6 each)
Each course may be repeated for credit. Permission of instructor.

GEOG 7935 Quantitative Methods for Geographical Analysis (3)
Prereq.: EXST 7003 or equivalent. Spatial analytical methods for handling and interpreting data related to geography.

GEOG 7936 Advanced Qualitative Research in Geography and Anthropology (3) 
Also offered as ANTH 7936. Explores the varied tools, techniques and methodologies of qualitative inquiry. Students gain practical experience creating and working with multiple forms of qualitative data and engaging in qualitative analysis and interpretation.

GEOG 7937 Geographical Literature (3)

GEOG 7938 Culture History (3)
May be taken for a max. of 9 hrs. of credit with consent of department.

GEOG 7939 Seminar in Cultural Geography (3)
May be repeated for max. of 9 sem. hrs. credit when topics vary. Explores different theoretical, methodological and empirical approaches in cultural geography.

GEOG 7943 Paleoclimatology (3)
Also offered as ANTH 7943 and GEOL 7943. Prereq.: GEOG 2050 and GEOG 2051 or GEOL 1001 and GEOL 1003 or consent of instructor. Theory and methods of reconstructing climatic variability from biological and geological proxy records as well as historical archives.

GEOG 7945 Socioeconomic Applications of GIS (3)
Prereq.: GEOG 4047 or equivalent. Applications of Geographic Information Systems in business, social, economic, and public policy studies.

GEOG 7946 Coastal and Estuarine Resources (3)
Prereq.: GEOG 4029 or equivalent. Nature of coastal and estuarine resources and their perception, evaluation and exploitation.

GEOG 7973 Advanced Geographic Information Systems (3)
Prereq.: GEOG 4047 or equivalent. Theory and methods of design, development, implementation and applications of geographic information systems.

GEOG 7975 Advanced Remote Sensing Seminar (3)
Prereq.: GEOG 4045 or equivalent. May be taken for a max. of 9 sem. hrs. of credit when topics vary. Selected topics in remote sensing.

GEOG 8000 Thesis Research (1-12 per sem.)
“S”/”U” grading. Permission of instructor.

GEOG 9000 Dissertation Research (1-12 per sem.)
“S”/”U” grading. Permission of instructor.



Listed as ANTH in the LSU catalog.

The course number is listed at the beginning of the course description. General education courses are marked with an asterisk (*). Total credit hours are in parenthesis.

*ANTH 1001 Introduction to Physical Anthropology and Prehistory (3)
Origin and evolution of people; evolution and its physiological bases; human prehistory; human diversity; origin and development of human culture through the rise of civilization.

*ANTH 1003 Introduction to Cultural and Social Anthropology (3)
Diversity of human cultures; nature of culture, social organizations, subsistence patterns, economics, law, politics, religion, language and other institutions of culture viewed in cross-cultural perspective.

ANTH 2014 Introduction to Forensic Anthropology (3)
Exploration of medico-legal discipline of forensic anthropology with a focus on human skeletal anatomy.

*ANTH 2015 Introduction to Archaeology (3)
Archaeological goals, methods, techniques and interpretations; particular prehistoric cultural sequences or projects; relationship of archaeology with other social, life and earth sciences.

2016 Field Methods in Archaeology (3-6)
Prereq.: ANTH 2015 or equivalent. May be taken for a max. of 6 sem. hrs. of credit. Techniques of survey, mapping, excavation and recording; participation in one or more archaeological excavations.

*ANTH 2050 World Archaeology (3)
Survey of human culture history from the stone age to the present; spread of humanity around the globe; major cultural developments including hunting and gathering, origins of agriculture, discovery and spread of metalworking, rise of ancient civilizations, and development of the modern world.

*ANTH 2051 Introduction to World Ethnography (3)
Sex roles, economic pursuits, values, beliefs, families and other institutions of selected nonwestern peoples; implications for American culture.

*ANTH 2423 Introduction to Folklore (3)
See ENGL 2423.

ANTH 3004 Archaeology and the Bible (3)
See REL 3004.

ANTH 3014 Bones, Bodies, and Disease: Introduction to Paleopathology (3)
Introduction to the field of Paleopathology- the study of health and disease in ancient populations. Topics covered include the major diseases and syndromes identifiable in skeletal and mummified tissues, methods for identifying injury and disease in bones and teeth and their limitations, and the application of paleopathology data for understanding health in past populations. 

ANTH 3060 Introduction to Anthropological Linguistics (3)
Also offered as LING 3060. Cultural variation in language and its uses; problems of language classification and areal linguistics; practice in phonemic and morphemic analysis of nonwestern languages.

ANTH 3401 The Study of Folklore (3)
Also offered as ENGL 3401. History of the study of folklore; methods of collection, interpretation and analysis of folklore materials; myth, folktale, legend, folk song, ballads, folk humor, festival and folk speech; psychological, contextual and structural analysis of oral literature; specific reference to the heritage of Louisiana and the South.

ANTH 3997 Selected Topics in Anthropology (3)
Prereq.: Permission of department. May be taken for a max. of 6 sem. hrs. of credit when topics vary.
  In-depth coverage of selected topics from anthropology.

ANTH 4002 South Asian Society, Polity and Culture (3)
See INTL 4002.

ANTH 4004 The North American Indians (3)
Also offered as LING 4004. Origin, distribution, language and culture of the aboriginal population.

ANTH 4008 Ancient Civilizations of Middle America (3)
Ancient settlement, development of agriculture, rise and fall of ancient civilizations in Middle America including Olmec, Maya and Aztecs.

ANTH 4010 Human Osteology (3)
Prereq.: ANTH 1001, or BIOL 1002 or BIOL 1202. Evolutionary biology and functional anatomy of the human skeleton.

ANTH 4014 Forensic Anthropology (3)
Prereq.: permission of instructor. Fundamental concepts and application of techniques in forensic anthropology.

ANTH 4017 Louisiana Archaeology (3)
Two overnight field trips. Archaeological data relative to the Indian cultures dating from the end of the Pleistocene period to the early historic era.

ANTH 4018 Historical Archaeology (3)
Also offered as HIST 4151. Broad range of archaeological goals, methods and interpretations unique to the study of the historic past; colonial and plantation archaeology in the southeastern U.S.

ANTH 4019 Geoarchaeology (4)
See GEOL 4019.

ANTH 4020 Method and Theory in Archaeology (3)
Prereq.: ANTH 1001 or ANTH 1003 and ANTH 2015 or equivalent. Empirical method and theory in archaeological research emphasizing the logic of scientific argument; history of American archaeology, survey of modern archaeological interpretations, types of explanation, logic of archaeological classification and formation of research designs.

ANTH 4021 Advanced Field Methods in Archaeology (3-6)
Prereq.: ANTH 2015 and ANTH 2016 or equivalent and at least one upper-division or graduate course in archaeology. May be taken for a max. of 6 sem. hrs. credit when topics vary. Advanced techniques of surveying, mapping, excavation, soil sampling and recording.

ANTH 4022 Ancient Civilizations of South America (3)
Survey of South American prehistory and the development of human civilizations. Archaeological perspective used to explore the various ways of life and cultural achievements in the various regions of the continent from the Amazon lowlands to the Andean highlands and the Pacific desert coast.

ANTH 4023 Latin American Cultures (3)
Spanish-American cultures in Latin America; their relationship to current societal changes.

ANTH 4024 Aerial Photo Interpretation and Image Processing (3)
See GEOG 4020.

ANTH 4025 Archaeology of Foodways (3)
Exploration of foodways through the material remains preserved in the archaeological record. Examination of the variability of foodways in the past from early human consumption patterns to the emergence of food production and ancient civilizations.

ANTH 4028 Ancient Maya in the Media (3)
Study of how ancient Maya are portrayed in the media including documentary and feature films, Internet, written texts, radio and television.

ANTH 4031 Comparative Religions (3)
Also offered as REL 4031. Religious systems in different levels of sociocultural evolution.

ANTH 4032 Religion, Gender, and Society (3)
See REL 4032.

ANTH 4040 Biological Anthropology (3)
Prereq.: ANTH 1001, or BIOL 1002 or BIOL 1202. Evolutionary theory, human variation, fossil record of human evolution and primate behavior.

ANTH 4042 Enterprise Geographic Information Systems (3)
See GEOG 4042.

ANTH 4050 Black Music in America (3)
Cultural and historical survey of musical genres created and developed by black Americans.

ANTH 4051 Africa (3)
People and cultures of Africa; emphasis on cultural transformation and contemporary societies. Topics include: kinship, gender, economics, religion, healing, politics, urbanism, post-colonialism, and transnationalism.

ANTH 4053 African-American Cultures (3)
Cultures of African-Americans in the western hemisphere; their origins, development and present distinctiveness.

ANTH 4060 Language and Culture (3)
Also offered as LING 4060. Prereq.: ANTH 3060 or COMD 2050 or equivalent. Relationships between various aspects of language and culture.

ANTH 4070 Medicine, Bodies and Power (3)
Examines bodily practice, social theory and cultural analysis of the body in health, illness and healing. Cross-cultural perspectives and ethnography are considered in relation to forms of social power.

ANTH 4074 Place and Culture (3)
Also offered as GEOG 4074. Consideration of place and culture as two core concepts in geography and anthropology.

ANTH 4082 Social and Cultural Anthropology (3)
For graduate students with little or no anthropology background. Culture, society and language in primitive and complex settings.

ANTH 4083 Environmental Change of the Ice Age (3)
See GEOG 4083.

ANTH 4086 Human-Environment Interactions (3)
See GEOG 4086.

ANTH 4087 Gender, Place, and Culture (3)
Also offered as GEOG 4087 and WGS 4087.

ANTH 4090 Ethnographic Methodology (3)
Theories and techniques of ethnography; emphasis on utilization of informants.

ANTH 4200 Human Evolutionary Biology (3)
Prereq.: ANTH 1001, or BIOL 1002 or BIOL 1202. Anatomy, physiology, and behavior of humans in functional, comparative, and evolutionary perspectives.

ANTH 4440 Vernacular Architecture and Material Culture (3)
Also offered as ARCH 4440. Subject matter and instructor may vary; additional details available from department. World vernacular architecture, including indigenous and folk buildings; other forms of material culture.

ANTH 4450 African American Folklore (3)
Also offered as AAAS 4450. History, theories and methodologies used in the study of African American folklore in the United States.

ANTH 4470 Folklore of the African Diaspora (3)
African, Caribbean and African-American cultures from the viewpoint of the diaspora.

ANTH 4475 American Folklore (3)
See ENGL 4475.

ANTH 4909 Undergraduate Seminar in Anthropology (3)
Prereq.: Permission of department. May be taken for a max. of 9 sem. hrs. when topics vary.

ANTH 4995 Internship (1-3)
See GEOG 4995.

ANTH 4997 Special Topics in Anthropology (3)
Prereq.: Permission of department. May be taken for a max. of 6 sem. hrs. when topics vary.

ANTH 4998 Independent Reading and Research in Anthropology (1-6)
An honors course, ANTH 4999, is also available. Prereq.: written consent of instructor. May be taken for a max. of 6 sem. hrs. Supervised reading or research selected by qualified advanced students.

ANTH 4999 HONORS: Independent Reading and Research in Anthropology (1-6)
Same as ANTH 4998, with special honors emphasis for qualified students.

ANTH 7032 Comparative Studies in World Costume (3)
See TAM 7032.

ANTH 7060 Conversation and Discourse (3) 
Also offered as LING 7060. Prereq.: completion of one course in linguistics. Analysis of language in use; conversation, narrative, culturally specific genres; emphasis on discourse structures in naturally occurring context.

ANTH 7070 Ritual: Theory, Context and Performance (3)
Investigates influential theories and key debates, range of activities and contexts and performance of rituals.

ANTH 7074 Poetics of Place (3)
Also offered as GEOG 7074. Prereq.: ANTH 4074/GEOG 4074 or permission of instructor. Combination of the observational method of social science with the literary insights of poetry and fiction; understanding of how places where humans live out their lives convey a variety of meanings beyond that of the strictly utilitarian.

ANTH 7081 Conceptual Issues in Human Evolution (3)
Prereq.: permission of instructor. May be repeated for a max. of 6 sem. hrs. credit when topics vary. Consideration of the various conceptual issues on human evolution.

ANTH 7085 History of Anthropological Theory (3)
Major theories in all branches of anthropology; emphasis on cultural and social anthropology.

ANTH 7108 Mesoamerican Archaeology Seminar (3)
Prereq.: Permission of department. May be taken for a max. of 6 hrs. of credit when topics vary.

ANTH 7200 Human Fertility (3)
Biological, behavioral and demographic aspects of human reproduction.

ANTH 7760 Readings in Creolization (3)
A seminar on linguistic, literary, historical and anthropological creolization and creolized cultures.

ANTH 7766 Readings in the Caribbean and Louisiana (3)
Seminar on the theoretical interpretation of Caribbean and Louisiana cultures.

ANTH 7901 Introduction to Graduate Study (1) 
Same as GEOG 7901. Techniques and methods of the profession for incoming graduate students.

ANTH 7906 Nature of Culture (3)

ANTH 7909 Selected Topics in Anthropology (3)
Also offered as LING 7909. Prereq.: permission of instructor. May be taken for a max. of 9 hrs. of credit when topics vary.

ANTH 7936 Advanced Qualitative Research in Geography and Anthropology (3)
Also offered as GEOG 7936.

ANTH 7943 Paleoclimatology (3)
See GEOG 7943.

ANTH 7954 Anthropology of Complex Societies (3)
Anthropological assumptions of theory and technique; problems generated by applying these assumptions to contemporary Africa, India, Latin America and Anglo-America.

ANTH 7962 Field Methods in Linguistics (3)
Also offered as LING 7962. Prereq.: at least one upper-division or graduate linguistics course. 2 hrs. lecture; 1 hr. individual consultation. Recording and analyzing a living non-European language and using a native-speaking informant.

ANTH 7999 Research in Anthropology (1-6) 
Also offered as LING 7999. Prereq.: written consent of instructor. May be repeated for credit. Total credit earned in ANTH 4998 and ANTH 7999 cannot exceed 9 sem. hrs. Individual supervision of advanced research and field work in anthropology.

ANTH 8000 Thesis Research (1-12 per sem.)
“S”/”U”grading. Permission of instructor.

ANTH 9000 Dissertation Research (1-12 per sem.)
Prereq.: permission of instructor. “S/U” grading.