
DSM Concentration

To earn a baccalaureate degree in Geography with a Concentration in Disaster Science and Management at LSU, students must first be admitted into the University.

Students majoring in geography may earn either the Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) or the Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree and must fulfill those respective requirements.

Students declaring a DSM concentration must complete a core set of courses totaling 12 hours. Nine (9) hours are completed with these courses:
• GEOG 2200 Hazards, Disasters, and the Environment (3)
• GEOG 2210 Fundamentals of Emergency Management (3)
• GEOG 4200 Hazard Risk Reduction (3)

The remaining three (3) hours are chosen from ONE of the following Geospatial Techniques classes:
• GEOG 4044 Computer Cartography (3)
• GEOG 4045 Environmental Remote Sensing (3)
• GEOG 4047 GIS (3)

Once a student completes the registration process and has declared a concentration in DSM, the student should notify the Program Manager.