
Internships and Employment

Internships and Employment

Internships are available for students enrolled in GEOG 4995 Internship. An internship will be sought out in the area of interest of the student. Internships may or may not be paid internships.

Internship in DSM (GEOG 4995, 3 credit hours)

For GEOG 4995, students are required to complete a semester-long internship at a selected job site, complete a list of readings agreed upon by each student and the instructor, write four “progress reports” that include reading summaries and internship site notes throughout the semester, and write a research paper that synthesizes readings and internship experiences. Students are placed with priority on a site that will serve to give the student hands-on experience doing work relevant to his/her career goals. The following organizations have hosted internship students for the internship course:

Habitat for Humanity (1 student)

American Association for Retired Persons (AARP) (1 student)

Harris, DeVille & Associates, Inc. (1 student)

FEMA’s Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) (12 students)

City of New Orleans Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness (1 student)

Baton Rouge Mayor’s Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness (MOHSEP) (2 students)

Governor’s Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness (GOHSEP) (3 students)

Governor’s Office of Constituent Services (1 student)

Livingston Parish Office of Emergency Preparedness (9 students)

American Red Cross, Louisiana Capital Region Chapter (12 students)

American Red Cross, Central Louisiana Chapter (1 student)

Sears Loss Prevention (1 student)

Ascension Parish Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness (4 students)

Jefferson Parish Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness (1 student)


If your organization is interested in hosting interns (either paid or unpaid), please contact DSM Program Manager Alan Black at ablack@lsu.edu for details.