Barry D. Keim
Richard J. Russell Professor and Louisiana State Climatologist
Ph.D. 51Âþ», 1994
M.S. 51Âþ», 1990
B.A. University of New Orleans, 1987
Dr. Keim is interested in climate extremes, including heavy rainfall and hurricanes. He also works on issues involving climate datasets, detection of climate change and its impacts, statistical analysis of extremes, and Probable Maximum Precipitation.
Selected Publications
Brown, V.M., M. Shirley, B.D. Keim, B. Marx, and C. Lutz. In Press. Effect of Meteorological Variables on Crawfish Harvest in Louisiana. Climate Research.
Eachus, J.D., and B.D. Keim. 2020. Content Driving Exposure and Attention to Tweets during Local, High-Impact Weather Events. Natural Hazards
Brown, V.M., Keim, B.D., Kappel, W.D., Hultstrand, D.M., Peyrefitte, A.G., Black, A. W., Steinbilber, K. M., and Muhlestein, G.A. 2020. How Rare was the August 2016 South-Central Louisiana Heavy Rainfall Event? Journal of Hydrometeorology 21:773-790.
Brown, V.M., B.D. Keim, and A. Black. 2020. Trend Analysis of Multiple Extreme Hourly Precipitation Time Series in the Southeast United States. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 59:427-442.
Bartels, R.J., A.W. Black, and B.D. Keim. 2020. Trends in Precipitation Days in the United States. International Journal of Climatology 40(2):1038-1048.
Brown, V.M., B.D. Keim, and A. Black. 2019. Climatology and Trends in Hourly Precipitation for the Southeast United States. Journal of Hydrometeorology 20(8):1737-1755.
Eachus, J. D, and B.D. Keim. 2019. A Survey for Weather Communicators: Twitter Information Channel Preferences. Weather, Climate, and Society 11(3):595-607.
Brown, V.M., A. Black, and B.D. Keim. 2019. Hourly Rainfall Climatology of Louisiana. Theoretical and Applied Climatology 137(3-4):2011-2027.
Nazanin, C., C. Li, K. Xu. M.N. Allahdadi, E.L. Hestir, and B.D. Keim. 2019. A Numerical Study of Sediment Dynamics over Sandy Point Dredge Pit, West Flank of the Mississippi River, during a Cold Front Event. Continental Shelf Research 183:38-50.
Shao, W., B.D. Keim, S. Xian, and R. O’Conner. 2019. Flood Hazards and Perceptions – A Comparative Study of Two Cities in Alabama. Journal of Hydrology 569:546-555.
Courses Taught
Climatology of Extreme Events
Global Environmental Change
Physical Geography of the Atmosphere