
photo: coltenCraig E. Colten

Professor Emeritus, Retired, 2021.


Ph.D. Syracuse University, 1984
M.A. 51Âþ»­, 1978
B.A. 51Âþ»­, 1974


Dr. Colten is working on a range of topics including community resilience, adaptation to changing environments, water and hazards. 

Selected Publications

Craig E. Colten. State of Disaster: A Historical  Geography of Louisiana’s Land Loss Crisis.  Baton Rouge: LSU Press, 2021.

Craig E. Colten and Geoffrey Buckley, (co-eds.). Historical Geographies for the 21st Century, Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 2014. 

Craig E. Colten. Southern Waters: The Limits to Abundance. Baton Rouge: LSU Press, 2014. 

Craig E. Colten. Perilous Place, Powerful Storms: Hurricane Protection in Coastal Louisiana. Jackson, MS: University Press of Mississippi, 2009. 

Craig E. Colten. Unnatural Metropolis: Wresting New Orleans from Nature. Baton Rouge: LSU Press, 2005. 

Courses Taught

Historical Geography
North America
Seminars on urban environments, historical geography, environmental migration, the human coast


234 Howe-Russell-Kniffen Geoscience Complex
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
Phone: 225-578-6180
Fax: 225-578-4420