Micha Rahder
Assistant Professor
B.A. Biology, Reed College, 2004
M.E.Sc. Environmental Science, Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies, 2008
Ph.D. Anthropology, University of California Santa Cruz, 2014
Dr. Rahder’s research centers on the intersection of science and social justice in environmental thought and practice. She is currently working on a book manuscript about forest conservation in northern Guatemala, analyzing how violence and inequality affect the production and interpretation of technoscientific knowledge about the landscape. Her work draws on cultural anthropology, ecology, feminist theory, Latin American studies, critical geography, and science and technology studies (STS). She is also interested in human-technology relations, futures and temporality, evolutionary theory, and critical pedagogy.
Selected Publications
Rahder, M. 2015. But is it a Basin? Science, Controversy, and Conspiracy in the Fight for Mirador, Guatemala. Science As Culture (Ahead-of-print): 1-26.
Rahder, M. 2014. Caring for Xate, Caring for Xateros: NGO Monitoring, Livelihoods, and Plant-Human Relations in Uaxactún, Guatemala. Journal of Political Ecology 21: 372-388.
Courses Taught
Introduction to Social & Cultural Anthropology
Cyborg Anthropology
Environmental Anthropology
Latin American Cultures
Anthropology and the Media
Graduate Writing Seminar