2023 GRC Award Winners
Awards were given for 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place in seven major category areas within two presentation format broader areas: (1) Poster Presentation / Visual Display / Art Exhibit and (2) Oral Presentation / Performance / Reading
Major Category Areas with Colleges Included:
Agriculture (All AG)
Art, Music, Dramatic Arts, & Visual Display (CAD, MDA)
Business & Mass Communication (BUS & MC)
Humanities & Social Sciences (HSS & HSE)
Life Sciences (COS, CCE, VET)
Math & Physical Sciences (COS)
Technology & Engineering (All ENG)
Poster Presentation / Visual Display / Art Exhibit
1st place:
Fatimah Hakeem*, Textiles, Apparel Design, & Merchandising
Beyond Abaya
Advisor: Sibei Xia, PhD
2nd place:
Mariel Benigno, Food Science
Thermal Stability and Flow Properties of Oil Extracted From Undersized Crawfish (Procambarus
Advisor: Subramaniam Sathivel, PhD
3rd place:
Morgan Strzynski, Textiles, Apparel Design, & Merchandising
Irish Crochet Lace: A History of a Handmade Commodity
Advisor: Michael Mamp, PhD
*Student won twice for distinct submissions in the Visual Display and Poster Presentation formats
1st place:
Fatimah Hakeem*, Textiles, Apparel Design, & Merchandising
Advisor: Sibei Xia, PhD
2nd place:
Courtney Klee, M. Architecture
Grayson Loudon, B. Arch
Jou Chuch Lee, B. Arch
Rachel Hewitt, B. Arch
How Did the Implementation of the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956 Impact East Baton
Rouge Parish From the 1950s to 1970s in Terms of Mobility, Industry, and People?
Advisor: Fabio Capra Riberio, PhD
3rd place:
Ka Hei Cheng, Experimental Music & Digital Media
Phoenix - Extended Reality Performance for Viola and Dancer
Advisor: Jesse Allison, PhD
*Student won twice for distinct submissions in the Visual Display and Poster Presentation formats
1st place:
Huu Dat Tran, Media and Public Affairs
"To Swipe, or Not to Swipe": Exploring the Uses and Gratifications of Dating Applications Among Young Adults of the LGBTIQ+ Community
Advisor: Meghan Sanders, PhD
2nd place:
Ashlyn Barclay, Mass Communication
'We Demand Answers, Solutions, and Results': A Comparative Discourse Analysis of Institutional Versus Student Responses to a Local Sexual Violence Crisis
Advisor: Fanny Ramirez, PhD
3rd place:
Keely Diebold, Mass Communication
Exploring the Effects of Individuals' Perceived Prototypicality Within a Fandom
Advisor: Meghan Sanders, PhD
1st place:
Frank Agyei, Curriculum & Instruction (Curriculum Studies)
A Reflection on Curriculum in Ghana via Engagement with Tyler's (1970) Basic Principles
of Curriculum & Instruction
Advisor: Molly Quinn, PhD
2nd place:
Bethany Hager, Leadership and Human Resource Development
Living Beyond Loss: An Analysis of Social Media Posts of Women Returning to Work after
Losing Their Spouse
Advisor: Oliver Crocco, PhD
3rd place:
Jiyoung Lee, Geography
Identify the Characteristics of Crime Hotspots Using Machine Learning and Google Street
Advisor: Michael Leitner, PhD
1st place:
Katy Venable, Biomedical Sciences
Blueberry Supplementation for Depression and Anxiety in a Rural Louisiana Population
Advisor: Charles Lee, PhD
2nd place:
Rita Aoun, Biomedical and Veterinary Clinical Sciences
Horseshoe Effects on In vivo Equine Gait Kinetics and Capsule Deformation
Advisor: Mandi Lopez, PhD
3rd place:
Yash Flora, Cellular, Developmental, & Integrative Biology
Lipid efflux via SPIN-4 in C. elegans male germ-cell controls sperm pseudopod development
and motility
Advisor: Adam Bohnert, PhD
1st place:
Victoria Rittell, Macromolecular Chemistry
Time Makes the mAb Grow Fonder: Effects of Aging on NISTmAb Solution Stability​ with
Various Excipients
Advisor: Amy Xu, PhD
2nd place:
Suliat Alli, Chemistry
Computational Investigation on the Interactions Between BfrB and the Small Molecule
Inhibitors of the BfrB-Bfd Complex
Advisor: Mario Rivera, PhD
3rd place:
Zach Yarbrough, Physics
Characterizing the Influence of Noise Transients in Advanced LIGO on the GstLAL Search
Advisor: Gabriela Gonzalez. PhD
1st place:
Tonmoy Sarker, Electrical Engineering
Vision-based Perception for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs)
Advisor: Xiangyu Meng, PhD
2nd place:
Shashank Muley, Construction Management
Construction Workers Near-Miss Recognition - A Personality Study
Advisor: Chao Wang, PhD
3rd place:
Ruxin Wang, Cyber Security and Privacy
Enhancing Kiosk Systems Security by Verifying the Smartphone User's Gripping Hand
Advisor: Chen Wang, PhD
Oral Presentation / Performance / Reading
1st place:
Tyler Musgrove, Entomology
Effects of planting date and rice cultivar on rice water weevil density and stem borer
Advisor: Blake Wilson, PhD
2nd place:
Schyler Lee, Entomology
Field Testing Commercial Entomopathogens for Control of sweetpotato weevil, Cylas
formicarius elegantulus (Summers)
Advisor: Jeffrey Davis, PhD
3rd place:
Sujun Liu, Merchandising
Fashion Resale in China: an Overview
Advisor: Chunmin Lang, PhD
1st place:
Wu Ji Khoo, DMA in Vocal Performance
Advancing Asian Art Music in the United States: A Performer's Guide to Chee Yean Wong's
"Mementos of Innocence" and "Three Yeats Songs"
Advisor: Robert Grayson, PhD
2nd place:
LaDonna Ouedraogo, Acting
The Dual Side of Privilege
Advisor: Rockford Sansom, PhD
3rd place:
Eunchong Kang, Voice
Femme Fatale in German Lieder: Songs of Lorelei by Clara Schumann, Franz Liszt, and
Alexander Zemlinsky
Advisor: Lori Bade, PhD
1st place:
Jordan Dove, Mass Communication
Watching Sports Online: Evaluating the Viewing Motivations of Sports Streaming Service
Advisor: Sujin Kim, PhD
2nd place:
Logan Berthelot, Public Administration
State and Local Adaptations to Changing Markets: The Case of Electric Vehicle Policies
in the U.S.
Advisor: Anmol Soni, PhD
3rd place:
Qinqin Wang, Media & Public Affairs
Is There a Balance Between the U.S. Government Secrecy Regime and Free Speech Rights
of Government Employees? The Legal Landscape of the U.S. Government Control of Information
Advisor: Will Mari, PhD
1st place:
Tatiana De Maio, Writing and Culture
Mystery Project: In Between and Beyond: Borders, Attunements, and Dimensions in the
Discursive Realities of Writing and Culture with Derrida, Foucault, Deleuze, and Anzaldúa
Advisor: Chris Barrett, PhD
2nd place:
Derrick Lathan, Sociology
Round II: Exploring the Experiences of Black, First-Generation Graduate and Professional
Students at HBCUs
Advisor: Lori Martin, PhD
3rd place:
Teye Yevuyibor, Sociology
"Oh yes! I Earn Enough": Examining the Activities that Establish Agency in Scrap Dealing
in Urban Ghana
Advisor: Kevin T. Smiley, PhD
1st place:
Ivan Martá½·nez-Espinoza, Pathobiological Sciences
Respiratory pneumovirus-induced small non-coding RNAs alter the innate immune response
in phagocytes and epithelial cells
Advisor: Antonieta Guerrero-Plata, PhD
2nd place:
Alexander Lee, Comparative Biomedical Sciences
Development of a Low Cost, 3D Printable Canine Prosthetic
Advisor: Michelle Osborn, PhD
3rd place:
Amit Sharma, Pathobiological Sciences
Activation of the Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Regulator IRE1α Compromises Immunity
to MRSA Lung Infection
Advisor: Basel H. Abuaita, PhD
1st place:
Scott Aronson, Physics
Quantum Noise in Gravitational Wave Detectors
Advisor: Thomas Corbitt, PhD
2nd place:
Brecklyn Groce, Chemistry
Effects of Clays and Other Fillers in Preparation of Epoxy-Vinyl Ether Composites
by Radical-Induced Cationic Frontal Polymerization
Advisor: John Pojman, PhD
3rd place:
Shanta Biswas, Macromolecular Chemistry
Effects of Crowding Agents on the Complex Coacervation of Macromolecules
Advisor: Amy Xu, PhD
1st place:
Luis Briceno-Mena, Chemical Engineering
Hybrid Modeling for Electrochemical Processes
Advisor: Jose Romagnoli, PhD
2nd place:
Siavash Sarrafan, Mechanical Engineering
A Hybrid Syntactic/Open-Cell Shape Memory Polymer Foam
Advisor: Guoqiang Li, PhD
3rd place:
Andres Lizano, Chemical Engineering
Machine Learning-Based Framework Allows for Rapid Production of Arbitrary Colloidal
Advisor: Xun Tang, PhD
2023 GRC Presenters
Conference Details
Date: April 26, 2023
Time: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Cost: FREE Registration
LSU Student Union (primary location)
Certain presentation formats will be held in other locations around campus. Presenters will be notified directly with the specific location.
All events will take place in the LSU Student Union unless otherwise noted.
8:00 - 8:50 a.m.
Registration/ Morning Presentation Set-up
9:00 a.m.
Opening Remarks
9:05 a.m.
Welcome from Provost Roy Haggerty
9:20 a.m.
Overview of the Day & Presentations
9:30 a.m.
Morning Presentations
- Oral Sessions (various locations*)
- Poster Sessions (LSU Union: Magnolia Room)
- Performances/Readings (Music & Dramatic Arts Building: Recital Hall)
12:00 p.m.
Morning Poster Removal
12:30 p.m.
Distinguished Dissertation Lightning Talks
1:00 p.m.
Afternoon Presentation Set-up (Poster & Oral)
1:30 p.m.
Afternoon Presentations
- Oral Sessions (various locations*)
- Poster Sessions (LSU Union: Magnolia Room)
- Art Exhibition (French House)
- Visual Displays (French House)
3:45 p.m.
Remarks from Dean James Nguyen H. Spencer
4:00 p.m.
Award Announcements
4:25 p.m.
Closing Remarks from President William F. Tate IV
4:40 p.m.
*Oral Presentation Rooms: Atchafalaya, Castilian, Capital Chamber, International, Red River, & Vieux Carre
Topic Areas
Mass Communication, Education, Social Sciences, Humanities, Business, and Performing/Visual Arts
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
Presentation Formats
Poster Presentation
Oral Presentation
Visual Display
Performance / Reading
Art Show
James Spencer, Vice Provost & Dean of Graduate School
Organizing Committee Members
Guoqiang Li, Associate Vice Provost of Academic Strategy, Graduate School
Tyrslai M. Williams-Carter, Assistant Dean of Mentoring, Education, and Research, Graduate School
Se Yeon Chung, Assistant Professor, Biological Sciences
Peter Clift, Professor, Geology & Geophysics
Arend Van Gemmert, Professor and Associate Dean for Research, Kinesiology
Keith Hall, Professor and Energy Law Center Director, Law Center
Lori Martin, Associate Professor, Sociology
Pam Pike, Professor and Associate Dean for Research, Music
Casey Stannard, Associate Professor, Textiles, Apparel and Merchandising
GRC Team Leads
Judging: Jaylee Russell
Registration: Sandy Bacchus
Posters: Wynton Johnson
Moderating/Communication: Melissa Crawford