Pocket Guide to Louisiana Native Trees | LSU Hilltop Arboretum

Pocket Guide to Louisiana Native Trees

Our easy to use pocket guide was designed and published by the Friends of Hilltop!

The Inner Wheel Club of Baton Rouge provided the initial  funding for the publication. Inner Wheel is an international organization composed of spouses of Rotarians dedicated to donating funds for worthwhile community projects. 

Leaf Shape & Arrangementcover of pocket guide to LA trees

Louisiana Native Trees are organized on the basis of leaf shape and arrangement.

Look at the leaves of the tree in which you are interested. Are they arranged in pairs opposite each other on the branch, or do they alternate? Are the leaves simple (single and individual) or compound (Made up of several smaller leaflets)? Are the edges smooth? Do they grow in bunches, or several gathered in a bundle? Is their surface smooth or scaly?

Identifying Trees


Look at the pictures and find the one that most closely resembles the tree in which you are interested.

Use the written information to tell if this is in fact your tree.

Ease of Use

This guide purposely avoids using large numbers of technical terms.

One of the few that occurs regularly is deciduous, which refers to any tree that sheds its leaves seasonally. It distinguishes these trees from the evergreens, which keep their leaves throughout the year. 


What a few of our friends have to say about the pocket guide …

“Lots of botanical information packed in an easy to carry and use book.” -Charles Allen

“At last, a well done pocket guide on Louisiana native trees that really fits my pocket.” -Richard Johnson





The Pocket Guide to Louisiana Native Trees is available for purchase at the Hilltop Gift Shop for $6.00 (plus tax).