Organizational Development
& Change Management

Organizational Development and Change Management (ODCM) focuses on improving departments/units' structures, processes, and culture.


What is Organizational Development (OD)?

OD involves planned, ongoing, and systematic efforts to improve an organization's effectiveness and employee experience. Initiatives might include leadership development, team building, cultural transformation, and structural redesign.

What is Change Management?

Change management is a structured approach to transitioning individuals, teams, and organizations from their current state to a desired future state. This could include communication strategies, training, and ensuring that employees are engaged and prepared for the changes that are occurring within the organization.

 What services does ODCM offer?

We collect, organize, analyze, and interpret data through exit interviews and surveys to enhance institutional success, which may result in providing recommendations to university leadership based on the information. 

We collaborate with campus leaders to create strategies for anticipating, facilitating, and managing change, emphasizing the requirements for people to successfully adopt new modes of operation.

We assist leaders to develop strategic and operational plans that include clearly defined missions, visions, values, goals, objectives, and metrics.  This charts a course of action that enable units to align themselves with to the university and their profession.  

Additional Resources

Performance Management

Training and Organizational Development

Professional Development Offerings for Employees