Talent Acquisition

The Talent Acquisition section of Human Resource Management acts as a strategic partner to departments and serves as a resource for recruiting and sourcing top talent at LSU. Through intentional recruiting, consulting, and marketing, this team supports LSU’s vision of being a leading research-extensive university to help solve the state’s economic, environmental and social challenges. 

Talent Acquisition offers several services including: job advertising suggestions, mock interviews, recruitment consultation, and more!

Apply for a JobPS-01: Equal Opportunity Policy

RS 17:1826

Departmental Assignments

*Indicates some sub-unit(s) of the department fall under a different Talent Acquisition team member. 

Talent Acquisition Specialists Departments/Colleges Phone Email
Lauren Foster

Office of Human Resource Management
Advisor for other LSU Campuses

225-578-8286 lfoster1@lsu.edu
Charles Phillips

School of Veterinary Medicine

225-578-4927 cphillips4@lsu.edu
Jake Sicard

Law Center
LSU Athletics
Facility Services

225-578-0238 jsicar2@lsu.edu
Joseph Dunbar

Division of Student Affairs (Excluding Residential Life) 
Office of Academic Affairs and OAA Programs 
College of Science
College of Agriculture 
Finance & Administration (FA)
Information Technology Services (ITS)

225-578-5492 jdunbar@lsu.edu
Makayla Holden

Workday Transactions
Wages as Earned Transient Employees

Co – SME Role 

*Data Support

225-578-2064 mholden1@lsu.edu
Morgan Bell

College of Art & Design
College of Business 
LSU Police
College of Human Science & Education (HSE)
University Administration & Office of the President
Executive Searches
Office of Communications & University Relations

225-578-7337 mbell20@lsu.edu
Sara El Kadi

College of the Coast & Environment (CCE)
College of Humanities & Social Sciences (HSS)
LSU Online
Office of Enrollment
Parking & Transportation Services

 225-578-7164 selkadi@lsu.edu 
Rayana Fisher

Office of Research and Economic Development (ORED)
College of Engineering
College of Music and Dramatic Arts 
College of Mass Communications
SA - Residential Life

225-578-3597 rfisher@lsu.edu