

Long and Rogers

LSU History faculty Dr. Alecia Long (left) and her graduated advisee,   Dr. Ashley Rogers (right)

LSU graduation, August 2024.

To be considered for funding, applications must be received by the January 15 deadline.

The LSU History graduate program offers competitive funding packages for our full-time students.

We offer a $23,000 9-month stipend (August – May). With this funding, students are employed as GAs (graduate assistants) and work as teaching assistants for undergraduate history courses. Students are funded for 5 years, contingent on their remaining in good standing in the program and at the university. The funding package includes a tuition exemption. 

Additionally, the department offers substantial funding for graduate students to attend conferences and conduct research. We are very pleased and able to support students who need to travel to archives or other research-related travel. Department funds also support travel costs for students who are presenting at professional or academic conferences.

In addition to departmental funding for travel, the Graduate School offers a . This award provides reimbursement of approved travel expenses to qualified students who attend widely recognized, professional conferences to present the results of their research.

Advanced PhD students are eligible to apply for internal and external fellowships. The department offers two fellowships for full-time PhD students: The Harry T. Williams Fellowship and the Frey Fellowship. Both of these include a $23,000 9-month stipend, a tuition waiver, and no teaching or TA requirement. The Williams and Frey Fellowship are intended to support students in the last year of their dissertation research and writing.

Outside the department, the Graduate School offers additional funding opportunities, including a competitive Dissertation Fellowship. Advanced History PhD students are nominated by the department and applications are submitted through the Graduate School portal.

LSU offers health insurance to all graduate assistants. All graduate assistants are automatically enrolled in the health insurance program. Students may opt out of the health insurance coverage.    

For information on cost of attendance for non-funded students, please see the Graduate School Graduate Program Student Cost page.