
BA Minor

Undergraduate Minor in Linguistics

The Linguistics Program offers a minor in linguistics that can be combined with any major field of study at the university. This undergraduate minor consists of 18 semester hours; at least 9 semester hours must be outside the major and 9 hours must be at the 3000 level or above.

Who might want to minor in Linguistics? 

A minor in linguistics may be particular valuable for students who major in anthropology, business, communication sciences and disorders, computer science, education, English and other modern languages, history, international studies, mass communication, political science, pre-law, psychology, sociology, or women’s and gender studies. Who are we kidding? Language use is relevant to all areas of our life!

Path Towards the Linguistics Minor

The undergraduate minor in linguistics consists fo 18 semester hours (6 courses); at least 9 semester hours (3 courses) must be outside the major and 9 hours (3 courses) must be at the 3000 level or above.

Course requirements are as follows:

Introductory courses in linguistics:

  • COMD 2050 / LING 2050 (Introduction to Language)
  • ANTH 3060 / LING 3060 (Introduction to Anthropological Linguistics)
  • ENGL/LING4710 (Introduction to Linguistics)

One of the following core courses in linguistics*:

  • COMD 4150 / LING 4150 (Phonetics)
  • ENGL 4713 / LING 4713 (Syntax)
  • ENGL 4714 / LING 4714 (Phonology)
  • ENGL 4715 / LING 4715 (Semantics)

        *Additional core courses count as Language and Cognition 

Electives selected from two of the three concentrations areas below:

Language and Society: Language use across socio-cultural contexts and the relationship between language and culture.

  • ANTH 4060/LING 4060 (Language and Culture)
  • ANTH 4064/LING 4064/FREN 4064 (Pidgins and Creoles)
  • ANTH 4082 (Social and Cultural Anthropology)
  • ** ANTH 4997 (Special Topics in Anthropology)
  • ENGL 3310 (Historical Perspectives on Language Issues)
  • ENGL 3716 (Dialects of English)
  • ENGL 4310/LING 4310 (Studies in Language)
  • ENGL 4711/ LING 4711 (History of the English Language)
  • ENGL 4712/LING 4712 (Roots of English)
  • ENGL 4716/LING 4716 (Introduction to Sociolinguistics)
  • FREN 3080 (French Culture and Civilization)
  • FREN 3280 (Cajun French Culture)
  • FREN 4001 (History of the French Language)
  • LING 4750 (Independent Research in Speech Science or Linguistics)
  • SPAN 4001 / LING 4002 (History of the Spanish Language)

Language and Cognition: Language abilities across individuals and the relationship between language and thought.

  • COMD 4153 / LING 4153 (Acoustics)
  • COMD 4380 / LING 4380 (Language Development in Children)
  • LING 4750 (Independent Study in Linguistics)
  • PHIL 2010 (Introduction to Symbolic Logic)
  • PHIL 4010 (Logic)
  • PHIL 4011/LING 4011 (Topics in Advanced Logic)
  • PHIL 4914/LING 4914 (Philosophy of Language)
  • **PSYC 4033 (Memory and Forgetting)

Language and Applied Linguistics: Applications of linguistics to the teaching of first/second languages and the interpretation/translation studies.

  • AAAS 3341 / LING 3341(African American English)
  • EDCI 4472 (Teaching for Communication: K-12)
  • ENGL 2710 (Descriptive Grammar of English)
  • ENGL 3720 (Methods for Teaching English as a Second Language)
  • FREN 2057 (Introduction to French Phonetics)
  • FREN 4014 (Introduction to French Linguistics)
  • FREN 4015 (Advanced French Phonetics)
  • FREN 4016 (Applied French Linguistics)
  • FREN 4065 (Louisiana French)
  • RUSS 4600/ LING 4600 (Introduction to Russian Linguistics)
  • SPAN 4005 (Structure of Spanish)
  • SPAN 4062 (Spanish Phonetics)
  • SPAN 4063 (Applied Spanish Linguistics)

 **These elective courses may be counted if written justification is provided by the instructor and approved by the Executive Committee in Linguistics.