
Spring 2022 Course Offerings

Communication Studies and Disorders

COMD 2050–Intro to Language

Section 1: 2:30-3:20 MWF; 26 Hatcher; M. Bosanko

Section 2: 12:00-1:20 TTh; 26 Hatcher; PR. Anakkathil

Section 3: 1:30-2:50 TTh; 26 Hatcher; T. Maleki

Also offered as LING 2050. Linguistic study of the principal interrelated levels of language structure: phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics; related topics such as writing systems and dialects. 

COMD 3150–Phonetics

10:30-11:20 MWF; 26 Hatcher; T. Gibson

Also offered as LING 3150. Principles of phonemics; articulatory phonetics; description and classification of sounds; transcription at different levels of detail; production and perception.

COMD 4153–Acoustics of Speech and Hearing

10:30-11:50 TTh, 212 Coates; H. Chung; 3:30-5:20 M, 220 Coates; A. Hogan

Also offered as LING 4153. Prereq.: COMD 2050 or equivalent. 3 hrs. lecture; 2 hrs. lab. Production, transmission and perception of speech acoustics in communication; acoustic phonetics and psycho-acoustics.

COMD 7750–Special Topics in Linguistics

4:30-7:20 Th; 42 Hatcher

Also offered as LING 7750. May be taken two times for credit for the master’s degree and four times for the doctorate when topics vary. Topics to be announced.


ENGL 2170-Descriptive Grammar of English

10:30-11:50 TTh; 31 Allen; A. Camp

Also offered as LING 2710. Examination of what every English speaker has internalized about English, including sentence structure, sound patterns and word formation.

ENGL 3716–Dialects of English

3:00-4:20 TTh; 202 Coates; I. Shport

Also offered as LING 3716. Regional and/or social variation in pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary.

ENGL 4710–Introduction to Linguistics

12:00-1:20; 46 Allen; I. Shport

Also offered as LING 4710. Introduction to the major fields of linguistic study: phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics.

Foreign Languages and Literatures

SPAN 4005–Structure of the Spanish Language

1:30-2:50 TTh; 55 Allen; J. King

Also offered as LING 4005. Prereq.: SPAN 3010 or equivalent. Spanish morphology and syntax; structuralist, sociolinguistic and generative-transformational analyses and applications.

SPAN 4603–Applied Spanish Linguistics

2:30-3:20 MWF; 55 Allen; C. Ibarra

Also offered as LING 4603. Prereq.: SPAN 3010. Structures and communicative functions of Spanish; classroom applications.

French Studies

FREN 3080–French Culture and Civilization

12:00-1:20 MW; 111 Coates; S. Dubois

Also offered as LING 3080. Prereq.: FREN 2155; credit or registration in FREN 3060 or equivalent or permission of instructor. Various aspects of French culture and civilization; emphasis on those factors necessary for understanding contemporary France and the Francophone world.

FREN 4001-History of the French Language

1:30-2:50 TTh; F. Anselmo

Also offered as LING 4001. Prereq.: FREN 3060 or equivalent or permission of instructor. Development of French from its beginnings to the present; attention to formation of the modern language.

FREN 4015–Advanced French Phonetics

9:00-10:20 TTh

Also offered as LING 4015. Theoretical principles of French phonetics and their application.

Geography and Anthropology

ANTH 7060–Conversation and Discourse

4:30-5:50 TTh; M. Brody

Also offered as LING 7060. Prereq.: completion of one course in linguistics. Analysis of language in use; conversation, narrative, culturally specific genres; emphasis on discourse structures in naturally occurring context.

Philosophy and Religious Studies

PHIL 4011–Topics in Advanced Logic

1:30-2:50 TTh; 128 Allen; J. Roland

Also offered as LING 4011. Prereq.: PHIL 4010/lLING 4010 or consent of instructor. Topics may include advanced metatheory of symbolic languages, intensional logics and Montague grammar.