
Colleen Sinclair, Adjunct Professor

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Research Interests

My program of research is broad. I take a theory-grounded, multi-method, approach to tackling social issues. I have funding from the Department of Defense, the Gates Foundation, and the Department of Corrections.  Much of my data collection is in the field. I work on:

  • Understanding the hazards of the information highway, including dis/misinformation, conspiracy theories, & dangerous speech and their links to extremism. Can see my Conversation blogs for some of my work in this domain. H. Colleen Sinclair – The Conversation
  • Investigating means to improve equity and access in educational, policy, and correctional settings.
  • Examining challenges within intergroup and interpersonal relations, broadly construed. Can see recent publications on identity-based bullying for intergroup relations research. Can see my TED talk for some of my interpersonal relationships research (https://youtu.be/an8OJQDeXYo?si=KJP1kAhjRDEIEGcn). This was also turned into a TEDEd animated vlog. https://youtu.be/ABYBtcM2D28?si=7wm54f4u70EgvL0Z


B.A., University of Colorado
Ph.D., University of Minnesota

Sample Publications: * Student co-authors 

Felmlee, D. & Sinclair, H. C. (2024, in press). The latest in social networks and personal relationships research. Invited chapter for A. Vangelisti, D. Perlman, & S. Sprecher (Eds.) The Cambridge Handbook of Personal Relationships. London, UK: Cambridge University Press.


Sinclair, H. C., Burns, Andrew R., & Burton, B.* (2024, in press). Taking conspiracies to extremes: How extremist groups use conspiracies to stoke violence. Invited chapter for L. Ritter (Ed.) American Conspiracism, Oxfordshire, UK: Routledge Press.


Utley, J. W.*, Sinclair, H. C., Nelson, S.*, Stubbs-Richardson, M., & Ellithorpe, C. E. (2022). Behavioral and psychological consequences of identity-based bullying in high school. Self & Identity, 21(1), 61-85. DOI: 10.1080/15298868.2021.1920049


Stubbs-Richardon, M., Sinclair, H. C., Porter, B., & Utley, J. W.* (2021). When does rejection trigger aggression? A test of the Multimotive model. Frontiers in Personality and Social Psychology. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.660973


Open Science Collaboration. (2015, August 28). Estimating the reproducibility of psychological science. Science, 349(6251). doi: 10.1126/science.aac4716


Sinclair, H. C., Felmlee, D. H., Sprecher, S., & Wright, B.* (2015). Don’t tell me who I can’t love: The role of reactance in moderating the effects of social network disapproval on romantic relationships. Social Psychology Quarterly, 78, 77-99.


Walker, B. H.*, Sinclair, H.C., & MacArthur, J. R.* (2015). Social norms vs. social motives: The effects of social influence and motivation to control prejudiced reactions on the expression of symbolic sexual prejudice. Social Influence, 10, 55-67. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/15534510.2014.904247


Sinclair, H. C.  (2012). Stalking myth-attributions: Examining the role of individual, cultural, and contextual variables on judgments of unwanted pursuit scenarios.  Sex Roles, 66, 378-391.


Sinclair, H. C., Ladny, R. T.*, & Lyndon, A. (2011). Adding insult to injury: Effects of Self-regulation, Rejection Sensitivity, and Rejection Type on Obsessive Relational Intrusion. Aggressive Behavior, 37, 503-520.