


Graduate Students

Thank you for visiting our web page to get more information about graduate studies at LSU!  We do not offer a terminal masters degree in psychology.  This means that students are admitted to our doctoral program and, if they are admitted without a masters degree, will obtain an MA degree on the way to earning their Ph.D. 

Our doctoral program offers specializations in behavior analysis, clinical psychology, cognitive and brain sciences, industrial/organizational psychology, and school psychology. Our faculty are leading scholars in the field who conduct research that is changing the world.  Admissions to our doctoral program is highly competitive because it attracts applications from top students from around the world. Our graduates go on to rewarding careers that make important contributions to research, industry, and practice.  Our specializations in clinical psychology and school psychology are both accredited by the American Psychological Association. 

Please follow the links at the top of this page and they will lead you to more information about each of our doctoral concentrations, a listing of our courses and research opportunities, and other information which we hope will be helpful.

Thank you again for your interest in graduate studies in psychology at LSU. Let us know if you need additional information, email us at psychology@lsu.edu

Take care,

Dr. Melissa Beck
Director of Graduate Studies