
Undergraduate | LSU Department of Psychology


Undergraduate Students

The Department of Psychology is pleased that roughly 1,000 LSU students have selected psychology as their major and that thousands of others choose our courses as electives every semester. The large demand for our courses is a reflection of our student-oriented faculty members, who are award-winning scholars and are excellent in the classroom as well. We offer a diverse collection of interesting courses and ample opportunities to gain practical knowledge about psychology by working closely with our faculty in a variety of field and laboratory settings. 

Our program provides our undergraduate majors with exceptional preparation for graduate study in psychology and allied fields. As just one example, the department has an extremely active honors program that can greatly enrich the undergraduate experience. In addition, the service-oriented student organization, the Psychology Club, is a great way to meet fellow students interested in the field and it also provides helpful tips for applying to graduate programs. 

Over 500 students at a given time pursue a minor in Psychology to complement to their current major. 

The drop down Undergraduate menu at the top will lead you to a description of the requirements of the major, a listing of our courses and research opportunities, and a variety of other information which we hope will be helpful. If you need additional information, you may contact our Undergraduate Advising Department by e-mail at psycadvising@lsu.edu.

Dr. Don Zhang
Director of Undergraduate Studies