
Phillip Brantley, Adjunct Professor

photo of BrantleyOffice: Pennington Biomedical Research Center
6400 Perkins Road
Baton Rouge, LA 70808
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
Office Phone: (225)-763-3046

Fax (225) 763-3045
Email: phil.brantley@pbrc.edu


Present Positions

John S. McIlhenny Professor, Behavioral Medicine

Associate Executive

Director for Scientific Education

Pennington Biomedical Research Center


Research Interests

My primary area of research examines factors which moderate psychosocial adaptation and treatment adherence in individuals with chronic medical conditions including diabetes, hypertension, chronic pain and obesity. Much of my research has focused on stressful life events and their impact on disease and health behaviors such as diet, physical activity and medication adherence.

My contribution to the psychological literature has included the development of instruments for assessing what most people would label as minor daily annoyances (e.g., driving in heavy traffic, arguing with a co-worker) and the demonstration that these events are associated with poor health outcomes and increases in high risk health behaviors.

I am currently funded by two NIH grants. One of the grants, on which I am Co-Principal Investigator, involves translational research, i.e., adapting methods shown to be effective for weight loss in clinical trials for use in general medical clinics. I am the Principal Investigator on the other grant which compares personal counseling techniques versus internet based interventions for maintaining dietary and exercise adherence in adults who have lost weight.


DR. BRANTLEY is conducting research on psychological aspects of physical illness. Current research involves studies to investigate psychological factors that may promote long-term adherence with chronic medical conditions such as diabetes, hypertension and obesity. Students will be required to perform library work, data collection, and data coding and input. Specific duties vary with each research project. For further information, contact Dr. Brantley in the Behavioral Medicine Laboratory at Pennington Biomedical Research Center, 763-2629.

Clinical Interests

Behavioral Medicine/Health Psychology
Assessment and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy of Adults, Adolescents, and Children Referred by Physicians in Primary Care Medical Settings
Most Typical Referrals Involve Depression, Anxiety Disorders, or Disease Management


Georgia College
Miledgeville, Georgia
Major: Psychology
Received B.A., June 1975

University of Georgia
Athens, Georgia
Received M.S., August 1977
Received Ph.D., December 1980

Clinical Psychology Internship at Medical University of South Caroline and Charleston VAMC

Representative Publications

Matthews-Ewald, Myers, V.H., Newton, R.L, Beyl, R., Waldo, K., Dufour, C.M., Donato, S.G., Champagne, C.M., Church, T., Ryan, D.H., & Brantley, P.J. (2015) Predictors for selection of insurance-funded weight loss approaches in individuals with severe obesity. Obesity, 23 (6) 1151-1158. PMID:25959516


Brantley, P.J., Waldo, K., Matthews-Ewald, M.R., Brock, R., Champagne, C.M., Church, T, Harris, M.N., McKnight, G.T., McKnight M., Myers, V.H., & Ryan, D.H. (2014) Why patients seek bariatric surgery: Does insurance coverage matter? Obesity Surgery.24(6), 961-964.


Brantley, P. J., Stewart, D. W., Myers, V. H., Matthews-Ewald, M. R., Ard, J., Coughlin, J., Jerome, G. J., Samuel-Hodge, C., Lien, L. F., Gullion, C. M., Hollis, J. F., Svetkey, L. P., & Stevens, V. J. (2014). Psychosocial predictors of weight regain in the Weight Loss Maintenance Trial. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 37, 1155-1168.


Fitzpatrick, S.L., Bandeen-Roche, K., Stevens, V.J., Coughlin, J.W., Rubin, R.R., Brantley, P.J., Funk, K.L., Svetkey, L.P., Jerome, G.J., Dalcon, D., Charleston, J, & Appeal, L.J. (2014) Examining behavioral processes through which lifestyle interventions promote weight loss: Results from PREMIER. Obesity. 22 (4), 1002-1007.


Coughlin, J.W., Gullion, C.M., Brantley, P.J., Stevens, V.J., Bauck, A., Champagne, C.M., Dalcin, A.T., Funk, K.L., Hollis, J.F., Jerome, G.J., Lien, L.F., Myers, V.H., & Appel, L.J.(2013) Behavioral mediators of treatment effects in the weight loss maintenance trial. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 46, 369-381. PMID:23813320


Myers, V.H., McVay, M.A., Champagne, C.M., Hollis, J.F., Coughlin, J.W., Funk, K.L., Guillion, C.M., Jerome, G.J., Loria, C.M., Samuel-Hodge, C.D., Stevens, V.J., Svetkey, L.P., & Brantley, P.J. (2013) Weight loss history as a predictor of weight loss: results from Phase I of the weight loss maintenance trial. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 36 (6),574-582. PMID: 22907176.


Tyson, C.C., Appeal, L.J., Vollmer, W.M., Jerome, G.J, Brantley, P.J., Hollis, J.F., Stevens, V.J., Ard, J.D., Patel, U.D., & Svetkey, L.P. (2013) Impact of 5-year weight change on blood pressure: Results from the weight loss maintenance trial. Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 15, (7), 458-464. PMID:23815533.


Svetkey, L.P., Ard, J.D., Stevens, V.J., Loria, C.M., Young, D.Y., Hollis, J.F., Appel. L.J., Brantley, P.J., Kennedy, B.M., Kumanyika, S.K., Batch, B.C., Corsino, L., Lien, L.F.,& Vollmer, W.M. (2012). Predictors of long-term weight loss in adults with modest initial weight loss, by sex and race. Obesity, 20 (9), 1820-1828, PMID:21527896


Myers, V.H., Adams, C.E., Barbera, B.L., & Brantley, P.J. (2012). Medical and psychosocial outcomes of laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass: Cross-sectional findings at 4-year follow-up. Obesity Surgery,22, 230-239. PMID: 21136302.


Funk, K.L., Stevens, V.J., Bauck, A., Brantley, P.J., Hornbrook, M., Jerome, G.J., Myers, V.H., Appel, L. (2011). Development and implementation of a tailored self-assessment module in an internet-based weight loss maintenance program. Clinical Practice and Epidemiology in Mental Health,7. 67-73, PMIOD: 21566735


Ryan, D. H, Johnson, W.D., Myers, V.H., Prather, T.L., McGlone, M.M., Rood, J., Brantley, P.J., Bray, G.A et al (2010). Non-Surgical weight loss for extreme obesity in primary care settings: Results of the Louisiana Obese Subjects Study. Archives of Internal Medicine,170(2): 146-154.


Pekmezi, D.W., Barbera, B.L., Bodenlos, J.S., Jones, G.N. & Brantley, P.J. (2009). Promoting physical activity in low income African Americans: Project LAPS. Journal of Health Disparities Research and Practice, 3 (2), 82-91.


Brantley, P.J., Appel, L.J., Hollis, J.F., Stevens, V.J., Ard, J.D., Champagne, C M., Elmer, P.J., Harsha, D.W., Myers, V.H., Proschan, M.A., Vollmer, W.M., & Svetkey, L.P. (2008). Design considerations and rationale of a multi-center trial to sustain weight loss: The Weight Loss Maintenance Trial. Journal of the Society of Clinical Trials, 5 (5), 546-556. PMID: 18827047


Svetkey LP, Stevens VJ, Brantley PJ, Appel LJ, Hollis JF, Loria C, Vollmer WM, Gullion CM, Funk K, Smith P, Samuel-Hodge C, Myers V, Lien LF, Laferriere D, Kennedy B, Jerome GJ, Heinith F, Harsha D, Evans P, Erlinger T, Dalcin AT, Coughlin J, Charleston J, Champagne CM, Bauck A, Ard JD, Aicher K for the Weight Loss Maintenance Collaborative Research Group. Comparison of Strategies for Sustaining Weight Loss: Main Results of the Wt Loss Maintenance Randomized Trial. JAMA 2008; 299:1139-1148. PMID 18334689


Brantley, P. J., Bodenlos, J. S., Cowles, M., Whitehead, D., Ancona, M., & Jones, G. N. (2007). Development and validation of the Weekly Stress Inventory- Short Form. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 29 (1), 54-59.


Elmer, P.J., Obarzanek, E., Vollmer, W.M., Simons-Morton, D., Stevens, V. J. Young, D.R., Lin, P.H, Champagne, C. M., Harsha, D.W., Svetkey, L.P., Ard, J. Brantley, P.J., Proschan, M.P., Erlinger, T.P., & Appel, L.J. for the PREMIER Collaborative Research Group. (2006).Effects of comprehensive lifestyle modification on diet, weight, physical fitness, and blood pressure control: 18-month results of a randomized trial. Annals of Internal Medicine, 144 (7), 485-495.