Dan Capron, Associate Professor
Office: 233 Audubon Hall
Department of Psychology
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
Email: dcapron@lsu.edu
Dr. Capron is accepting students for Fall 2025.
Research Interests
My research broadly speaking focuses on suicide prevention and amelioration of cognitive biases (e.g., anxiety sensitivity, behavioral economics, post-traumatic cognitions). I create single-session/technology-delivered (e.g., smartphone, Virtual Reality Head Mounted Displays, immersive simulators) interventions that eliminate structural (e.g., cost, location, transportation) and cultural (e.g., stigma) treatment barriers, which reduce health disparities in higher-risk populations (e.g., rural, military, minority).
- PhD, Clinical Psychology - Florida State University
- MS, Clinical Psychology - Florida State University
- BA, Political Science - Providence College
Representative Publications
Schmidt, N.B., Capron, D.W., Raines, A.M., Albanese, B., Short, N., Mathes, B.M., Morabito, D.M., Saulnier, K., & Allan, N. (2023). Evaluating the long-term (three year) durability of brief interventions targeting risk factors for psychopathology. Journal of Anxiety Disorders.
Anestis, M.D., Bryan, C.J., Capron, D.W., & Bryan, A.O. (2023). An experimental test of safe firearm storage messaging in a sample of firearm-owning United States military service members. JAMA Network Open.
Capron, D.W., Bauer, B.W., & Bryan, C.J. (2022). When People Die by Suicide: Introducing Unacceptable Loss Thresholds as a Potential Missing Link between Suicide Readiness States and Actively Suicidal Clinical States. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 52, 280-288.
Caulfield, N.M., Karnick, A.T., & Capron, D.W. (2022). Exploring Dissociation as a Facilitator of Suicide Risk: A Translational Investigation using Virtual Reality. Journal of Affective Disorders, 297, 517-524.  
Capron, D.W., Andel, R., Voracek, M., Till, B., Niederkrotenthaler, T., Bauer, B.W., Anestis, M.D., & Tran, U.S. (2021). Time-series analyses of firearm-related Google searches and United States suicide rates 2004 – 2016. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 51, 554-563.
Capron, D.W., Allan, N.P., & Schmidt, N.B. (2021). The Depression Sensitivity Index: Initial development and tests of convergent and construct validity. Journal of Affective Disorders, 287, 417-426.
Bauer, B.W., & Capron, D.W. (2020). How behavioral economics and nudges could help diminish irrationality in suicide-related decisions. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 15, 44-61.