
Dan Capron, Associate Professor

Headshot of Dr. Dan Capron

Office: 233 Audubon Hall
Department of Psychology
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
Email: dcapron@lsu.edu



View Dr. Capron's CV.

Dr. Capron is accepting students for Fall 2025. 

Research Interests

My research broadly speaking focuses on suicide prevention and amelioration of cognitive biases (e.g., anxiety sensitivity, behavioral economics, post-traumatic cognitions). I create single-session/technology-delivered (e.g., smartphone, Virtual Reality Head Mounted Displays, immersive simulators) interventions that eliminate structural (e.g., cost, location, transportation) and cultural (e.g., stigma) treatment barriers, which reduce health disparities in higher-risk populations (e.g., rural, military, minority).  


  • PhD, Clinical Psychology - Florida State University
  • MS, Clinical Psychology - Florida State University
  • BA, Political Science - Providence College

Representative Publications 

Schmidt, N.B., Capron, D.W., Raines, A.M., Albanese, B., Short, N., Mathes, B.M., Morabito, D.M., Saulnier, K., & Allan, N. (2023). Evaluating the long-term (three year) durability of brief interventions targeting risk factors for psychopathology. Journal of Anxiety Disorders.

Anestis, M.D., Bryan, C.J., Capron, D.W., & Bryan, A.O. (2023). An experimental test of safe firearm storage messaging in a sample of firearm-owning United States military service members. JAMA Network Open.

Capron, D.W., Bauer, B.W., & Bryan, C.J. (2022). When People Die by Suicide: Introducing Unacceptable Loss Thresholds as a Potential Missing Link between Suicide Readiness States and Actively Suicidal Clinical States. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 52, 280-288.

Caulfield, N.M., Karnick, A.T., & Capron, D.W. (2022). Exploring Dissociation as a Facilitator of Suicide Risk: A Translational Investigation using Virtual Reality. Journal of Affective Disorders, 297, 517-524.  

Capron, D.W., Andel, R., Voracek, M., Till, B., Niederkrotenthaler, T., Bauer, B.W., Anestis, M.D., & Tran, U.S. (2021). Time-series analyses of firearm-related Google searches and United States suicide rates 2004 – 2016. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 51, 554-563.

Capron, D.W., Allan, N.P., & Schmidt, N.B. (2021). The Depression Sensitivity Index: Initial development and tests of convergent and construct validity. Journal of Affective Disorders, 287, 417-426.

Bauer, B.W., & Capron, D.W. (2020). How behavioral economics and nudges could help diminish irrationality in suicide-related decisions. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 15, 44-61.