Vanessa Burke, Assistant Professor
Office: 204 Audubon Hall
Department of Psychology
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
Dr. Burke will be accepting students for Fall 2025.
- 2022, PhD, Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Pennsylvania State University
- 2019, MS, Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Pennsylvania State University
- 2017, BS, Psychology, Bowling Green State University
Research Interests
- Diversity and inclusion
- Leadership
- Power dynamics
- Mistreatment/harassment
Vanessa Burke's research examines the intersection between diversity and the hierarchical nature of organizations. Her work centers on how demographic (gender, age, race) and behavioral (sexual harassment, emotional displays, leader errors) indicators of power and social status determine who has access to opportunities. Specifically, how do these power and status dynamics manifest through formal positions (leadership) and informal social dynamics (power claiming, maintenance, and loss). She is driven to critically evaluate the way individual employees interact with organizational structures, investigating mixed and evolving findings in the gender and diversity literature.
Representative Publications
Roux*, S. M., Burke, V. (In Press). Making the Abstract Concrete: A Case for Structured Abstracts in Organizational Sciences. Industrial and Organizational Psychology.
Burke, V., Grandey, A. A., Melloy, R. C., Ferris, L., & England, K. (2024) Are women penalized
for showing pride at work? Gender disparities in the competence‐warmth tradeoff. Journal
of Applied Social Psychology.
Kundro, T. G., Burke, V., Grandey, A. A., & Sayre, G. M. (2022). A perfect storm: Customer sexual harassment
as a joint function of financial dependence and emotional labor. Journal of Applied
Burke, V., Grandey, A. A. (2020) “Midlife Crisis” on the Road to Successful Workforce Aging.
Industrial and Organizational Psychology.
* Denotes student author