
Quintin Gustin, Full-time Instructor

Quintin Gustin photoOffice: 107 Audubon Hall
LSU Psychology Department
Baton Rouge, LA 70808
Email: qlgustin@lsu.edu

Special Interests

Interests include evidence-based treatments for substance use disorders, issues where psychology intersects with the criminal justice system, motivational interviewing, and the borderline personality disorder diagnosis. Also has an interest in mindfulness-related therapies such as Dialectical Behavior Therapy and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.


Treatment Director – 19th JDC Adult Drug Court, 2011 - 2020

Director – Capital Area Recovery Program, 2004-2010

Adjunct Instructor – LSU Psychology Department, 2009-2020

Behavior Intervention Specialist - Children’s Service – CAHSD, 2002-2004

Director/Practitioner – The Counseling Center, Inc. – Houston, Tx, 1985-2002


Ph.D. Counseling Education and Supervision, University of Holy Cross 

M.S. Clinical Psychology, Virginia Tech

Clinical Internship, VA Medical Center, Houston, TX

B.S. Psychology, 51Âþ»­


Presently teaching the following courses:

PSYC 2000 – Introductory Psychology

PSYC 2060 – Educational Psychology

PSYC 3082 – Abnormal Psychology

PSYC 3083 – Theories of Counseling and Psychotherapy

Past Publications

Snyder, S, Goodpaster, WA, Pitts, WM, Pokorny, AD & Gustin, QL (1985). Demography of psychiatric patients with borderline personality disorder traits. American Journal of Psychiatry, 18, 38-49.

Pitts, WM, Gustin, QL, Mitchell, C & Snyder, S (1985). MMPI critical item characteristics of the DSM-III borderline personality disorder. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 173(10), 628-631.

Snyder, S, Pitts, WM, Goodpaster, WA & Gustin, QL (1984). Family structure as recalled by borderline patients. Psychopathology, 17, 90-97.

Gustin, QL, Goodpaster, WA, Sajadi, C, Pitts, WM & Snyder, S (1983). MMPI characteristics of the DSM-III borderline personality disorder. Journal of Personality Assessment, 47(1), 50-59.

Goodpaster, WA, Pitts, WM, Snyder, S, Gustin, QL & Sajadi, C (1983). A social learning approach to group psychotherapy for hospitalized DSM-III borderline patients. Journal of Psychiatric Treatment and Evaluation, 5, 21-28

Snyder, S, Pitts, WM & Gustin, QL (1983). Absence of borderline personality disorder in later years. (letter). American Journal of Psychiatry, 140(2), 271-272.

Gustin, QL & Pettersson, RW (1978). From the vocational evaluation to job training: What can go wrong? Vocational Evaluation and Work Adjustment Bulletin, 11(3), 23-28.