
Prospective Behavior Analysis Student Information

Information on applicant numbers and characteristics will be provided in the table below for each academic year. The behavior analysis program accepted its first cohort of students in the fall of 2024. Also please see the department's prospective student page for further details about the program, department, and the application process for prospective students.
  2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027
Number of students whose degrees were conferred by the program N/A    
Median years until graduation for students whose degrees were conferred by the program N/A    
Number of students enrolled in the program 5    
Number of students no longer enrolled for any reason other than conferral of degree N/A    
Number of completed applications received 17    
Number of students admitted 5    
Median undergraduate point average for applicants admitted (reported on a 4-point scale) 3.19    
Median graduate point average for applicants admitted (reported on a 4-point scale) 4.0    
Median standardized test scores N/A