
Course Offerings

Course Offerings

In the fall semester, all Humanities & Social Sciences Residential College (HSSRC) students will be required to take HSS 1000: Introduction to Research and a second fall HSSRC course. In the spring semester, all HSSRC students will be required to take HSS 1001: Introduction to HSS Career Pathways and a second HSSRC spring course. This is an requirement to live in the HSSRC.

All of the courses offered are common general education courses. The benefit of living in the HSSRC is that either a certain number of seats are reserved in the general education courses listed for HSSRC students or the class is taught in the HSSRC and is exclusive to students living in the HSSRC.

Fall 2024 Course Offerings
Dept. Course Section # # of Credit Hours


Enrollment Max

Begin End Days Location
SOCL 2001 9 3 Gremillion, Skylar 40 10:30 11:20 MWF 115 North Hall
PSYC 2000 9 3 Knapp, Jennifer 40 1:30 2:50 TTH 115 North Hall
ENGL 1001 22 3 Foreman, Nancy 19 9:00 10:20 TTH 115 North Hall
ENGL 1001 98 3 Foreman, Nancy 19 10:30 11:50 TTH 115 North Hall
CMST 1061 4 3 Hebert, Lisa 40 9:30 10:20 MWF 115 North Hall
GEOG 2050 1 3 Trepanier, Jill 40 11:30 12:20 MWF 115 North Hall
POLI 2051 6 3   50 3:00 4:20 TTH  
ANTH 1003 3 3 Frazen, Sarah   1:30 2:20 MWF E1307 Howe Russell Hall
BIOL 1001 7 3 Bhattacharyya, Nita 50 12:30 1:20 MWF  


Current Courses Descriptions

Fall 2024 COURSES


Past Courses

2023 Courses

2022 Courses

2021 Courses