I joined the LSU Sociology department as an Instructor in Fall 2014 after earning my Ph.D. in Sociology from LSU in 2013. As an Instructor, teaching is my primary responsibility at LSU and I am focused on improving my teaching techniques and making sure that LSU Sociology undergraduates are prepared for future classes both in and out of the department. My research focuses on the intersection of gender and technology, in particular, I'd like to investigate how new communication technologies can influence the evolution of social norms and attitudes about gender. My teaching interests include Sociology of Law, Introductory Sociology, Current Social Problems and Social Interaction.
PhD: 51Âþ» (2013)
Curriculum Vitae
Courses Recently Taught at LSU
(Syllabi are for illustrative purposes & subject to change)
- SOCL 2001: Introductory Sociology
- SOCL 2501: Current Social Problems
- SOCL 4471: Sociology of Law