
Recent Faculty Research


Peer Reviewed Publications

Barton, M.S., Valasik, M.A., & Brault E. (2021). . Criminal Justice Review. 46(2): 134-155

Berkowitz, D., Tinkler, J., Peck, A., & Coto, L. (2021). . Social Currents. doi: 10.1177/23294965211019486

Kroeger, R.A. (2021). . Sociology Compass. DOI:10.1111/soc4.12865.

LaRose, J., Torres, J.A., & Barton, M.S. (2021). . Journal of Mass Violence Research. doi: 10.53076/JMVR11874

Stroope, S., Slack, T., Kroeger, R.A., Keating, K.S., Beedasy, J., Sury, J.B., & Chandler, T. (2021) . Population Research and Policy Review. DOI:10.1007/s11113-021-09639-6.


Peer Reviewed Publications

Barton M.S., Rizzuto T.E., Valasik M. (2020). . Journal of Planning Education and Research. doi:10.1177/0739456X20976809

Barton, M.S., Weil, F.D., Valasik, M., Rackin, H., & Coto, L. (2020). . Journal of Crime and Justice. doi: 10.1080/0735648X.2020.1749712

Barton, M.S., Valasik, M, Brault, E., & Tita, G.E. (2020). . Crime & Delinquency. 66(13-14): 1888-1913

Beedasy, J., Samur Zuniga, A., Chandler, T., Slack, T. (2020). . International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 51, 101870.

Cope, M.R., Parks, V., Jackson, J., & Slack, T. (2020). . Journal of Rural Studies. 74: 124-132.

Cope, M.R., Slack, T., Blanchard, T.C., Lee, M.R., Jackson, J. E. (2020). . Data in Brief, 30, 105390.

Drakeford, L., Parks, V., Slack, T., Ramchand, R., Finucane, M., & Lee, M.R., (2020). . Population Research and Policy Review, 39: 119-146.

Gibbons, J., Tse-Chuan, Y., Brault, E., & Barton, M.S. (2020). . International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 17(11): 1-18.

Finucane, M., Blum, M., Ramchand, R., Parker, A., Nataraj, S., Clancy, N., Cecchine, G., Chandra, A., Slack, T., Hobor, G., Ferreira, R., Lesen, A., & Bond, C. (2020). . Journal of Risk Research. 23(1): 1-10.

Keating, K.S., Becker, S., Davis, I., Chandler, T., Slack, T., Beedasy, J. (2020). . Family Relations, 69, 887-906.

O'Connell, H.A. (2020). . Ethnic and Racial Studies. 43(3): 460-478.

O'Connell, H.A., Curtis, K.J., & DeWaard. (2020). . Social Science Research. 87(3): 1-18.

O'Connell, H.A., & Diaz, C. (2020) Spatial Demography. 8(1): 33-61.

Parks, V., Slack,T., Ramchand, R., Drakeford, L.,  Finucane, M., & Lee, M.R. (2020). . Rural Sociology 85: 495-518

Shrum, W., Aggrey, J., Campos, A., Pamplona da Costa, J., Joseph, J., Kreimer, P.,  Kroeger, R.A.,.. Traore, A. (2020). . Social Studies of Science.

Slack, T. & Jensen, L. (2020). . Population Research and Policy Review, 39, 775-784.

Slack, T., Kroeger, R. A., Stroope, S., Keating, K.S., Sury, J., Brooks, J., Chandler, T., & Beedasy, J. 2020. . Population & Environment. doi:10.1007/s11111-020-00354-6.

Slack, T., Parks, V.,  Ayer, L., Parker, A.M., Finucane, M.L., & Ramchand, R. (2020). . Natural Hazards. 102: 1207-1224.

Slack, T., Thiede, B.C., & Jensen, L. (2020). . Rural Sociology. 85: 275-315.

Smiley, K.T. (2020) . Sociological Inquiry, doi: 10.1111/soin.12396

Smiley, K.T. (2020) . The Sociological Quarterly, 61(4), 748-767.

Smiley, K.T. (2020) . Environmental Research Letters, 15(9), 1-15.

Smiley, K.T. & Emerson, M. O. (2020) . Urban Research & Practice, 13(3), 330-347.

Smiley, K.T. & Hakkenberg, C. R. (2020) . Land Use Policy, 99, 105093.

Smiley, K.T. & Yang, Y. (2020) . Social Science Research, 92, 102474.

Stroope, S., Kroeger, R. A., & Fan, J. (2020). . Journal of Biosocial Science. doi:10.1017/S0021932020000334.

Tumin, D., & Kroeger, R.A. (2020). . LGBT Health. 7(5): 264-270.

Book Chapters

Slack, T., Beedasy, J., Chandler, T., Keating, K.S., Sury, J., Brooks, J. (2020). . In Stout M., Harrist A.W. (Eds.) Building Community and Family Resilience: Research, Policy, and Programs (pp. 31-48). Springer.


Peer Reviewed Publications

Ashihara, K., Kim, H., Kamo, Y., & Sung, S.H. (2019). Journal of the Korean Operations Research and Management Science Society 44: 45-64.

Barton, M.S., & Cohen, I.F.A. (2019) Social Science Research 80: 230-242

Douds, K., O'Connell, H.A., Bratter, J.L. (2019). . Du Bois Review. 16(1): 83-106.

Forrest, D.L., Kroeger, R.A., & Stroope, S. (2019). . Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. doi: 10.1007/s10803-019-04282-9

Gibbons, J., Barton, M.S., & Reling, T. (2019) . Urban Studies. doi: 0042098019829331

Jensen, L., Tickamyer, A.R.,  & Slack, T. (2019). . Journal of Rural Studies 68: 276-284.

Kroeger, R.A., Umberson, D., Powers, D.A., & Forrest, D.L. (2019). . Society and Mental Health. doi: 10.1177/2156869319859402

O'Connell, H.A. (2019). . Sociology of Race and Ethnicity. 5(3):311-325.

Weil, F.D., Barton, M.S., Rackin, H., Valasik, M., & Maddox, D. (2019). . Journal of Interpersonal Violence. doi: 10.1177/0886260518822345

Yahirun, J. & Kroeger R.A. (2019). . Advances in Life Course Research. doi: 10.1016/j.alcr.2019.100307

Yuksek, D. A., Dumais, S. A., Kamo, Y. (2019). Sociological Inquiry 89: 508-531

 Book Chapters

 Kroeger R.A. & Powers D.A. (2019) . In: Schoen R. (eds) Analytical Family Demography. The Springer Series on Demographic Methods and Population Analysis, vol 47. Springer, Cham


Peer Reviewed Publications

Baker, J.O., Stroope, S., & Walker, M.H. (2018). . Social Science Research. doi: 10.1016/j.ssresearch.2018.07.003

Clark, J., & Stroope, S. (2018). . Social Science Research. 70: 242–253.

Clifton, S., Torres, J. & Hawdon, J. (2018). . American Journal of Criminal Justice. 43(4): 871-885.

Cope, M. R., Lee, M.R., Slack, T., Blanchard, T.C., Carney, J., Lipschitz, F., & Gikas, L. (2018). . Population and Environment. 39: 277-296

Curtis, K.J., Lee, J., O’Connell, H.A., & Zhu, J. (2018). . Rural Sociology. doi: 10.1111/ruso.12216

Donnelly, R., Umberson, D.J., & Kroeger, R.A. (2018). . Journal of Family Issues. 39 (7): 2085-2106.

Gibbons, J., Barton, M.S. & Brault, E.E. (2018). . PLOS ONE. 13(11): e0207432.

Hori, M & Kamo, Y. (2018). Do Gender Differences Still Exist? The Effects of Gender Equality and Social Statuses on Happiness in a Cross-National Perspective. International Journal of Contemporary Sociology. 55: 7-32.

Hori, M & Kamo, Y. (2018). . Applied Research in Quality of Life 13(4): 839-857.

Kim, H. & Kamo, Y. (2018). . International Journal of Contemporary Sociology. 55: 33-56.

Kroeger, R.A. (2018). . Chronic Illness. 14 (1): 69–75.

Kroeger, R.A., & Frank, R. (2018). . Journal of Marriage and Family. 80 (2): 444-462.

Lin, Y, Kamo, Y. & Slack, T. (2018). . Sociological Spectrum.

Martinez, B.C., Tom, J.C., Ferguson, T.W., Andercheck, B., & Stroope, S. (2018). . Journal of Family Issues. 39(6): 1616–1638.

Onda, M. & Kamo, Y. (2018). . Japanese Journal of Labor Research 693: 11-19

O'Connell, H.A. (2018). . The Sociological Quarterly. 59(1): 128-144

O'Connell, H.A. & Raker, E.J. (2018). . Sociological Perspectives. 61(4): 573-591

Parks, V., Drakeford, L., Cope, M.R., & Slack, T. (2018). . Society and Natural Resources. 3: 277-290.

Reid, S.E. & Valasik, M. (2018). . Journal of Youth Studies. 21(10): 1305-1325.

Reling, T.T., Barton, M.S., Becker, S., & Valasik, M. (2018). . Sex Roles. 78(7): 501-514.

Reling, T. T., Becker, S., Drakeford, L. & Valasik, M. (2018). . Journal of Interpersonal Violence. doi: 10.1177/0886260518801021

Stroope, S., & Baker, J.O. (2018). . Journal of Health and Social Behavior. 59(2): 185–199.

Stroope, S., Rackin, H.M., Stroope, J.L., & Uecker, J.E. (2018). . Annals of Behavioral Medicine. 52(4): 319–330.

Thiede, B.C., Lichter, D. T., & Slack, T. (2018.) Journal of Rural Studies. 59: 183-193

Tinkler, J., Becker, S., & Clayton, K. (2018). . Law and Social Inquiry. 43(1): 28-57

Weil, F.D., Rackin, H.M., & Maddox, D. (2018) . Natural Hazards. doi: 10.1007/s11069-018-3432-7

Book Reviews

Lee, M.R. (2018). . American Journal of Sociology. 124(1): 227-229.