
Our Mission

The Department of Sociology contributes to the achievement of the University’s mission as a flagship institution. Specifically, the mission of the unit is summarized in six components:

  • Provide undergraduate majors with a high quality, comprehensive curriculum with concentrations consistent with student interests and career market demands;
  • Provide undergraduate majors with the knowledge and skills that will enable them to pursue graduate and professional degrees;
  • Provide quality elective and general education courses for non-major undergraduate students;
  • Provide a high-quality graduate education that will equip graduate students with the substantive, theoretical, and methodological foundations to enter and succeed in teaching and/or research positions in either academic or professional settings;
  • Conduct research that contributes to the knowledge base of the discipline and is conducive to the unit’s national and international recognition as a research department;
  • Provide expertise and research relevant to solving social and economic issues and challenges faced not only by the State of Louisiana and the nation but also more broadly.