
Awards for Sociology Majors | LSU Sociology

Awards for Sociology Majors

Fred C. Frey Memorial Award

The LSU Sociology Department sponsors a paper competition for undergraduate sociology majors each academic year. Winners are awarded cash prizes from the Fred Frey Memorial Scholarship fund. Guidelines for the competition are as follows:

  • Only Sociology majors are eligible
  • Papers must be from Sociology courses taken at LSU
  • Papers may be entered by the student or nominated by the student’s instructor
  • Papers will be judged by a faculty committee appointed by the department chair
  • Up to three awards may be granted per year, at the committee’s discretion
  • Deadline to submit papers is at least one week prior to the end of classes of the spring semester

Feel free to consult with any faculty member if you have a paper from a previous sociology course or are writing one now that you would like to submit.