


Photo of Troy

Troy C. Blanchard

Dean, College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Professor of Sociology
PhD, 51Âþ»­
Office: 132 Hodges Hall
Email: troy@lsu.edu
Phone: 225-578-8273
Specializations: Social inequality; social demography; applied sociology

photo of Chantel  

Chantel Chauvin

Program Codirector for the BA in Sociology for LSU Online
Senior Instructor of Sociology
PhD, 51Âþ»­
Office: 137 Stubbs Hall
Email: cdufre3@lsu.edu
Specializations: Violent crime, delinquency, gender & crime, gun violence

photo of skylar

Skylar C. Gremillion

Senior Instructor of Sociology
PhD, 51Âþ»­
Office: 110 Stubbs Hall
Email: sgremi3@lsu.edu
Phone: 225-578-1117
Specializations: Gender; law; inequality; online communications

photo of McKenzie

McKenzie L. Jossie

Assistant Professor of Sociology
PhD, University of Florida
Office: 117 Stubbs Hall
Email: mjossie@lsu.edu
Specializations: Corrections; Collateral consequences of justice system involvement; program evaluation; criminal justice policy 

Photo of Rhiannon

Rhiannon A. Kroeger

Associate Professor of Sociology
PhD, Ohio State University
Office: 108 Stubbs Hall
Email: rkroeger@lsu.edu
Phone: 225-578-3898
Specializations: Health & Illness; family demography; quantitative methods

Photo of Matt Lee

Matthew R. Lee

Vice President for Agriculture & Dean, College of Agriculture
Professor of Sociology
PhD, 51Âþ»­
Office: 156 Thomas Boyd Hall
Email: mlee@lsu.edu
Phone: 225-578-3979
Specializations: Criminology; public health; community resilience



photo of Heather

Heather A. O’Connell

Associate Professor of Sociology
PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Office: 20 Stubbs Hall
Email: hoconnell@lsu.edu
Phone: 225-578-4032
Specializations: Race & ethnicity; social stratification; spatial demography

Photo of Hyunsu

Hyunsu Oh

Assistant Professor of Sociology
PhD, University of California, Merced
Office: 106B Stubbs Hall
Email: hoh@lsu.edu 
Specializations: Race, ethnicity, and immigration; Critical criminology; Gentrification; Organizations, occupations and work; Sociology of health; Sociology of education; Quantitative and mixed methods


Heather Rackin

Heather M. Rackin

Associate Professor of Sociology
PhD, Duke University
Office: 125 Stubbs Hall
Email: hrackin@lsu.edu
Phone: 225-578-5123
Specializations: Family formation & fertility; social inequality; social demography

Image of Mark Shafer

Mark J. Schafer

Director of Graduate Studies
Associate Professor of Sociology
Associate Professor of Agricultural Economics & Agribusiness
PhD, Indiana University
Office: 215 Martin Woodin Hall
Email: mschaf1@lsu.edu
Phone: 225-578-5357
Specializations: Sociology of education; comparative & global sociology; social inequality; rural sociology

Ed Shihadeh

Edward S. Shihadeh

Professor of Sociology
PhD, Pennsylvania State University
Office: 107 Stubbs Hall
Email: edsoc@lsu.edu
Phone: 225-578-1635
Specializations: Criminology; urban sociology; race, ethnicity & immigration

Wesley Shrum

Wesley M. Shrum, Jr.

Department Chair
Professor of Sociology

PhD, Princeton University
Office: 105B Stubbs Hall
Email: shrum@lsu.edu

Specializations: Technology (e.g., video, internet, mobile communication); Africa/Asia

Tim Slack

Tim Slack

Professor of Sociology
PhD, Pennsylvania State University
Office: 104A Stubbs Hall
Email: slack@lsu.edu
Phone: 225-578-1116
Specializations: Social stratification & poverty; community & environment; social demography; rural sociology

Kevin Smiley

Kevin T. Smiley

Associate Professor of Sociology
Director of Undergraduate Studies
PhD, Rice University
Office: 110A Stubbs Hall
Email: ksmiley@lsu.edu
Specializations: Environmental Sociology; community and urban sociology; disasters; health; race; immigration; social capital

Ginger Stevenson

Ginger Stevenson

Program Codirector for the BA in Sociology for LSU Online
Senior Instructor of Sociology

PhD, 51Âþ»­
Office: 119 Stubbs Hall
Email: gsteven@lsu.edu

Specializations: Criminology; interpersonal violence; deviance

Samuel Stroope

Samuel Stroope

Professor of Sociology
PhD, Baylor University
Office: 105A Stubbs Hall
Email: sstroope@lsu.edu
Specializations: Health inequalities; medical sociology; religion

William F. Tate IV

William F. Tate IV

LSU President
Professor of Sociology
PhD, University of Maryland, College Park
Office: 3810 West Lakeshore Drive
Email: tate@lsu.edu
Phone: 225-578-2111 
Specializations: Sociology of education; stratification; geospatial science; public health; urban sociology

Danielle Thomas

Danielle J. Thomas

Instructor of Sociology
PhD, 51Âþ»­
Office: 10 Stubbs Hall
Email: dthom68@lsu.edu
Phone: 225-578-5798
Specializations: Race & ethnicity; community development; sports

Mark Walker

Mark H. Walker

Associate Professor of Sociology
PhD, University of Iowa
Office: 18 Stubbs Hall
Email: mwalk67@lsu.edu
Specializations: Social psychology; social networks; self & identity; mental health

Fredrick Weil

Frederick Weil

Professor of Sociology
PhD, Harvard University
Office: 17C Stubbs Hall
Email: fweil@lsu.edu
Phone: 225-578-1140
Specializations: Political sociology; comparative-historical; community & urban; disasters; poverty & grassroots mentoring; survey research; photo/video ethnography; geospatial analysis


Photo of Seth

Seth A. Williams

Assistant Professor of Sociology
PhD, University of California Irvine
Office: 141 Stubbs Hall
Email: sethwilliams@lsu.edu
Specializations: Spatial inequality; community criminology; housing

photo of Tom Wooten

Tom Wooten

Assistant Professor of Sociology
PhD, Harvard University
Office: 133 Stubbs Hall
Email: tomwooten@lsu.edu
Specializations: Poverty, education, crime and criminalization

photo of hope

Hope Xu Yan

Assistant Professor of Sociology
PhD, University of Maryland, College Park
Office: 17B Stubbs Hall
email: xyan10@lsu.edu 
Specializations: Health and health inequalities, family demography, social stratification