
Welcome to the Arabic Program | LSU Foreign Languages and Literatures

Welcome to the Arabic Program

A working knowledge of Arabic is among the most marketable skills that a student can acquire during his or her studies at LSU. Government, major industries, and businesses actively recruit new employees who know Arabic. Being able to use Arabic also gives you access to roughly 1500 years of Arab cultural riches. 

At LSU we currently offer three full years of Arabic. Beginning Arabic (1101-1102) covers the fundamentals of Arabic: the script, sounds, and basic expressions and concepts. In Intermediate Arabic (2101-2102) the study of the language increases in depth and complexity. In Advanced Arabic (3101-3102) students learn to deal with unadulterated Arabic conversations and short works 
of literature.

**When planning your schedule, please bear in mind that first-, third-, and fifth-semester Arabic are offered only in the fall semester, while second-, fourth- and sixth-semester Arabic are offered only in the spring semester.**

The Arabic Minor

The Arabic minor is an excellent way for students to draw a potential employer or school’s attention to their Arabic study at LSU. The minor requires 20 credit hours. Arabic 2101, 2102, 3101, and 3102 are required (14 hours total), plus at least two electives from the following list:

  • ARAB 2001 Arabic Culture (3)
  • ARAB 2080 Arabic Conversation (3)
  • REL 3786/INTL 3786 The Religion of Islam (3)
  • HIST 4095/REL 4095/INTL 4095 The Middle East to 1800 (3)
  • HIST 4096/REL 4095/INTL 4096 The Modern Middle East (3)
  • INTL 3993 Study Abroad in the Middle East (1-6)
  • POLI 4059 International Politics of the Middle East (3)
  • POLI 4061 Comparative Politics of the Middle East (3)