
Welcome to the Chinese Program | LSU Foreign Languages and Literatures

Welcome to the Chinese Program

Why Study Chinese?

  • More people read and speak Chinese than any other language in the world—consider more than 1, 200,000,000 new friends, customers, and clients!
  • Chinese culture is one of the oldest and is experiencing a renaissance
  • China’s economic growth rate and potential are among the greatest in the world
  • China is named one of the four “crucial languages” for Americans; it is the third most widely used foreign language in the United States
  • Most widely used foreign language in the United States
  • Chinese calligraphy is a form of art
  • You can have a Minor in Chinese
  • Taking Chinese fulfills some or all LSU foreign language requirements, and fulfills some LSU requirements for the minor in Asian Studies
  • LSU’s campus-wide China Initiative is thriving
  • Learning Chinese is intellectually challenging and rewarding: you not only learn a new language, but also another way to understand the world

Chinese at LSU

Currently the Department of World Languages, Literatures & Cultures offers CHIN 1101, CHIN 1102, CHIN 2001, CHIN 2002, CHIN 2070, CHIN 3101, CHIN 3102, CHIN 3801, CHIN 3802, from Beginning through Advanced levels, including literature in translation, cinema, and special topic courses (taught in English). Currently we offer a Minor in Chinese.

Chinese Minor

The Minor in Chinese comprises six courses, 20 credit hours: four semesters of Chinese above the beginning level (Beginning Chinese will not count toward the minor), and two electives. Students who can document proficiency on a certain level can place out of corresponding language courses.

Chinese Language Courses:

  1. CHIN 2001: Intermediate Chinese (4)
  2. CHIN 2002: Intermediate Chinese (4)
  3. CHIN 3101: Advanced Chinese (3)
  4. CHIN 3102: Advanced Chinese (3)


Courses offered by the Department of World Languages, Literatures & Cultures:

  1. CHIN 2070: Chinese Cinema (3)
  2. CHIN 3801: Traditional East Asian Literature (in translation) (3)
  3. CHIN 3802: Modern East Asian Literature (in translation) (3)

Courses offered by other Departments:

  1. ARTH 2411: Survey of Asian Art (3)
  2. ARTH 4420: Modern and Contemporary Art in Asia (3)
  3. ARTH 4441: Arts of China (3) 
  4. GEOG 4037: Geography of China (3)
  5. HIST 2096: East Asian Civilization since 1800 (3)
  6. HIST 2195: topics in History (if the topic is China) (3)
  7. HIST 3117: Undergraduate Proseminar in World History (if the topic is China) (3)
  8. HIST 4091: China to 1600 (3)
  9. HIST 4092: China Since 1600 (3)
  10. HIST/REL 4191: Religions of China and Japan (3)
  11. HNRS 2021: Buddhist Art (3)
  12. HNRS 2021: Cities and the Arts in China (3)
  13. REL 2027: Asian Religions (3)
  14. THTR 3900: Explore Chinese Culture through Arts (3)

Of Interest:

CHIN 3801