
Harald Leder | LSU Foreign Languages and Literatures

Harald Leder 

Instructor of German 

Ph.D., 51Âþ»­, 1997
Phone: 225-578-0524
E-mail: hleder@lsu.edu
Office: 217 B Prescott Hall

Area of Interest

Cultural, Social, and Political aspects of the grass roots relations between Germany, the United States, and Latin America; the effects of the German presence in Latin America on German-American relations before World War I, American re-orientation efforts in German communities after World War II. African-Americans and the Afro-German Community in Germany. Germany and the United States in the 20th century.

Recent Teaching

German Civilization

Awards & Honors

Graduate Fellowship and Travel Grant, 51Âþ»­, Fulbright Commission, 1985/86
Hall of Nations Award, American University, 1989
Quadrille Ball Fellowship, Institute of International Education, 1994/95
Research Fellowship, German Historical Institute, 1995

Selected Publications

Wer Wind sät... - Amerikanische Bomber über Nürnberg, September 1944 bis April 1945 (They have sown the wind... - American Bombers over Nuremberg, September 1944 to April 1945), in Michael Diefenbacher, Wiltrud Fischer-Pache (eds.) Der Luftkrieg gegen Nürnberg. Der Angriff am 2. Januar 1945 und die zerstörte Stadt, Konzeption und Koordination: Gerhard Jochem, mit Beitr. von Hendrik Bebber, Gerhard Jochem, Michael Kaiser, Nicole Kramer, Harald T. Leder, Danièle List, Georg Seiderer und Melanie Wager. Katalogteil: Helmut Beer, Nuernberg 2004, 391-450. 

Several publications on post WWII German-American relations.