
Qiancheng Li | LSU Foreign Languages and Literatures

Qiancheng Li 

Professor of Chinese

Ph.D., Washington University in St. Louis, 1999
Phone: 225-578-6639
E-mail: lqianc1@lsu.edu
Office: 335 Hodges Hall

Area of Interest

Premodern Chinese literature, comparative literature, religion and literature, East Asian theatre, visual culture, intellectual history, transnational study of the novel, translation, digital humanities, science fiction

Recent Teaching

CHIN 1101; CHIN 1102; CHIN 2001; CHIN 2002; CHIN 3101; CHIN 3102; CHIN 3801, Traditional East Asian Literature; CHIN 3802, Modern East Asian Literature; CHIN 4915, Independent Study; CPLT 7120, The Lyrical in East Asia; CPLT 7130, The East Asian Novel; CPLT 7130, Theories and Practice of Literary Translation; CPLT 7130, Science Fiction East and West; CPLT 8900, Independent Study; CPLT 9000, Dissertation Research

Awards & Honors

International Convention of Asia Scholars Book Prize Translation Accolade in the Humanities for Transmutations of Desire, 2023

Manship Summer Research Stipend, College of Humanities & Social Sciences, 2014
Manship Summer Research Stipend, College of Humanities & Social Sciences, 2012
ATLAS (Awards to Louisiana Artists and Scholars) Grant, 2010-2011

Selected Publications - Books


  • Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 2020.
  • Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2004.

Annotated Critical Edition

  • Xiyou bu jiaozhu 西遊補校注. Beijing: Kunlun Press, 2011. The 1641 novel Xiyou bu edited and annotated by Qiancheng Li. Included in the Series on Eastern Culture 東方文化集成.

Literary Translation

  • . Translated by Qiancheng Li and Robert E. Hegel, with an Introduction by Qiancheng Li. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2020.


  • A Concise Commentary on the “Memoirs on the Western Regions” in the Official Histories of the Western and Eastern Han, Wei, Jin, and Southern and Northern Dynasties 兩漢魏晉南北朝正史西域傳要注 by Yu Taishan 余太山; the Commentary translated into English by Qiancheng Li; historical text translated by Yu Taishan et al. and edited by Victor H. Mair. Beijing: Commercial Press 商務印書館, 2014. 906 pages.