
Sarah Frances Ward Sullivan | LSU Foreign Languages and Literatures

Sarah F. W. Sullivan 

Senior Instructor of Spanish

M.A., 51Âþ»­, 2010
Phone: 225-578-0747
E-mail: sward3@lsu.edu
Office: 347 Hodges Hall

Recent Teaching

SPAN 1101, 2101, 2102, 2155, and HSS 1000

Awards & Honors

Awarded teaching grant by the Chilean Ministry of Education to participate in their English Open Doors Program (summer 2009).

Notable Activities

Spanish Club advisor; Led Spanish Club to install a bilingual Wizard of Oz Garden at University Terrace Elementary (March 2012); Serve as Spanish/English interpreter to the East Baton Rouge City (2011-2015)
Court and the Department of Social Services; Member of Sigma Delta Pi Spanish language honor society.
Director of LSU in Argentina (2017)
Instructor Representative (2019-2020)