
Barberton, South Africa Geology

Cartographic and GIS Section

The Cartographic Section of the LGS prepares maps and geographic information systems (GIS) data for LGS and other LSU research departments. It also produces map products under direct contract from other government agencies, traditional printed maps and GIS products, and technical illustrations for scientific publications/presentations utilizing graphic design and image processing software. The cartographic staff works closely with technical editors in the preparation of scientific publications ranging from simple reports to books and atlases utilizing the latest electronic publishing and pre-press software. Over the years, the section has been awarded numerous awards for their cartographic products. Please refer to the Maps and Atlases page to view the maps.


image: Greenstone Belt, South Africa.



Cartographic/GIS Staff

Robert Paulsell
Research Associate 4
3095 Energy, Coast, and Environment Bldg
Telephone: 225-578-8655

R.L. Paulsell Projects