
Geologic Review/Guidelines and Requirements

Introduction to Geologic Review

Geologic Review is an ongoing program created by the Louisiana Geological Survey in 1982 which provides regulatory technical assistance to the Office of Coastal Management (OCM) of the Louisiana Department of Natural Resources.

Meeting Scheduling

Geologic Review meetings are held weekly, Tuesday through Thursday (holidays excluded) and are scheduled by the. To have a GR meeting scheduled the permit applicant should contact Christine Charrier or Karl Morgan at 225-342-7591. A minimum of two weeks advance notice is suggested.

Guidelines And Information Required

The guidelines and information required for a geologic review are listed here. Applicants occasionally fail to bring sufficient information and as a result a follow-up meeting may be required and the processing of their permit application is sometimes significantly delayed. Please bring everything listed if at all possible; please remember that items that are seemingly unimportant may be very important to the various permitting and commenting agencies involved. If you have any questions at all please contact Dr. Clare Falcon at cfalcon@lsu.edu

Meeting Personnel

The only applicant personnel generally required for a GR meeting are the appropriate geologist and the appropriate petroleum engineer who are handling the prospect. Any regulatory or environmental affairs coordinator or other consultant involved in the permit should also attend. Other attendees are optional but certainly not unwelcome, bearing in mind that the conference room is not suitable for large delegations. 


GR Meetings are held on the 10th floor of the , 617 N. Third Street, at the northwest corner of North Street and N. Third Street, downtown Baton Rouge. A valid photo I.D. must be presented upon entering the building. To expedite security inspection, leave non-essential metal objects, such as coins, nail clipper, pen knife, etc., in your vehicle.  

Driving Directions & Parking

I-110 northbound: take the North St. exit (Left Exit 1D) and proceed west (one way) through downtown to River Road.

I-110 southbound: take the Laurel Street, exit (Left Exit 1H) and proceed west (one way) through downtown to River Road, then right (north) two blocks to North Street,

The Welcome Center parking garage at North Street and River Road is the nearest covered parking. The Galvez garage at North Street and N. Fifth Street also provides covered parking. Curbside meters are available along downtown streets. Regrettably there is no free parking available.

Negotiating downtown Baton Rouge is relatively easy. However, persons unfamiliar with downtown Baton Rouge should beware that most streets are one way and that five blocks south of and parallel to North Street is North Boulevard, a divided street that passes by the Old State Capitol building.