
Louisiana Geologic Review Guidelines/Requirements


A containerized mud system will be recommended for land-based drilling operations if:

1. The location is on or immediately adjacent to an area of unusual environmental or administrative sensitivity as defined by Coastal Management Division.

2. A non-water-based mud is to be used.

3. A mud cooling system is to be used.

4. The location is in an area of standing water.

5. The location is at an elevation of <1' MSL.

6. The location is less than 500' from a human habitation.

7. The location is less than 1500' from a body of Section 10 open water or drainage feature, unless it is more than 500' from that water and down gradient from it.

8. A request to that effect is made by a permitting or commenting agency.


Requirements/Information Necessary for Meeting:


The following information is what is generally needed for a Geologic Review meeting, although additional unlisted items may be required depending on the nature of each individual application. With the exception of public information no maps or data will be retained and the confidentiality of all items examined will be maintained.


General Information:

Name and location of the well, accurate, detailed location plats (normally these are the plats sent to the appropriate agencies before scheduling the meeting); and the nature of the application (i.e. dredging, filling, directional well, etc.); dimensions of any dredging or filling; name of the applicant; names of operator if not the applicant; names and locations of any other applicant wetland permits in the area.


Lease and Regulatory Information:

Lease maps, lease information, spacing and unitization constraints, contractual obligations, and any constraints (landowner problems, pipelines, houses, ditches, etc.) that may affect the proposed location.


Site-Specific Data:

Aerial photographs, imagery, photographs of the proposed site and proposed access routes, status and/or soundings of proposed access routes, field trip data, and site surveys that provide data about the proposed location. Often the inclusion of site photography can avoid the necessity of a field trip to the site and the associated costs and delays.


Geologic Information:

Number of significant objectives, depth and expected contents, structure maps of all significant horizons, well logs of nearby wells (preferably correlated ones), cross-sections relevant to the area, fault cuts, fault plane maps, isopach maps, all significant seismic lines (with interpretations), gas/oil/water contacts, shows and production of nearby wells in the same producing horizon. The well's surface and bottomhole locations should be shown on all maps and the well path should be projected onto all cross-sections and seismic lines.


Engineering Information:

TVD of the well, proposed mud program, proposed casing program, presence of depleted zones their depths and pressure readings, presence of overpressured zones and the depth it begins, FPG and FFG plots of nearby wells, well histories of wells in the area, directional history in the area, documentation to back up the presented well histories (i.e. mud recaps, drilling time, bit records, etc.).


Future Plans:

The best estimate of the applicant's future plans in the event of both the success and the failure of the well(s) in question.


Economic Data:

While not usually needed, detailed AFE's for the well as proposed and as a directional prospect may be required. If needed the applicant will be requested to provide them at a later date.


Meeting Format:

The meeting will be held at the State Lands and Natural Resources building in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. A fixed format in which questions will be asked in a series paralleling the listings above will be followed. After the information has been obtained the state and federal agencies will meet briefly to determine a joint recommendation after which the applicant will be advised of the results of the review.


Data Standards:

Please insure that all data, maps, cross-sections, aerial photos, images, and charts are legible, clearly marked, and interpreted where appropriate. The proposed location's surface and bottomhole location (if different) should be clearly marked on each map, cross-section, seismic line, aerial photo, and image and each item should have its scale and orientation clearly shown. If at all possible all plats and maps should be the same scale.