
Paul V. Heinrich

Research Associate 4
Email: heinric@lsu.edu
Telephone: 225-578-439

Paul V. Heinrich graduated from 51 in 1976 with a BS in Geology. He earned his MS in Geology at the University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, in 1982, studying the sedimentology and stratigraphy of Pleistocene slackwater deposits in Southeast Illinois. At LGS he has been involved in a number of projects involving the Quaternary and archaeological geology in Louisiana and in the Southeast United States. Research interests include geologic mapping at 1:24,000 and 1:100,000 scales; geomorphology and subsurface stratigraphy of the Willis and Citronelle formations; meteorite impact craters; neotectonics within Southwest Louisiana; stratigraphy and geomorphology of Pleistocene sediments composing the Louisiana coastal plain; and geoarchaeology of the coastal plain of Louisiana and adjacent states. He has worked for the Illinois State Geological Survey, conducting field studies for the Rural Abandoned Mine Program; as an exploration geologist for Placid Oil Company in Denver; as a Field Archaeologist for Prewitt and Associates Archaeological Consultants, Inc., Austin, Texas; and as a consultant conducting studies of and co-authoring reports on either the archaeological or environmental geology of project areas for various companies, including: Coastal Environments Inc.; Earth Search, Inc.; Gilbert/Commonwealth Associates, Inc.; R. Christopher Goodwin and Associates, Inc.; Iroquois Research Institute; Reid Company, Inc.; and Prewitt and Associates Archaeological Consultants, Inc.


Select Publications:

Commentary on: The putative Saginaw impact structure, Michigan, Lake Huron, in the light of gravity aspects derived from recent EIGEN 6C4 gravity field model by Klokočník, J., Kostelecký, and Bezděk, A. (2019): Schaetzl, R.J., Sauck, W., Heinrich, P.V., Colgan, P.M., and Holliday, V.T., 2019, J. Great Lakes Res., vol. 45, no. 5, p. 1003-1006.

The Age and Geochemistry of Volcanic Ash in the Catahoula Formation of Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas, USA: Jordan, B.R., Yancey, T.E., Heinrich, P.V., Miller, B.V., and McGuire, K., 2019, Journal of Geology, vol. 127, no. 2, p. 207-222.

The Sabine block, Gulf of Mexico: Promontory on the North American margin? Reply: Clift, P.D., Heinrich, P., Dunn, D., Jacobus, A., and Blusztajn, J., 2018, Geology, vol. 46, no. 4, p. e441-e441.

The Sabine block, Gulf of Mexico: Promontory on the North American margin?: Clift, P.D., Heinrich, P., Dunn, D., Jacobus, A., and Blusztajn, J., 2018, Geology, vol. 46, no. 1, p. 15-18.

Surface faults of the South Louisiana growth-fault province. Recent advances in North American paleoseismology and neotectonics east of the Rockies and use of the data in risk Assessment and Policy: McCulloh, R. P. and Heinrich, P. V., 2013, Geological Society of America  Special Paper, no. 493, pp. 37-49, Geological Society of America, Denver, Colorado.

Underfit courses of the central Red River Valley, Louisiana: Heinrich, P. V., 2012, NewsInsights, vol. 22, no. 1, p. 8-15, Louisiana Geological Survey, 51, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

A reevaluation of tektites reported from Rapides Parish, Louisiana: Heinrich, P. V., 2009c, NewsInsights, vol. 19, no. 1, p. 10-14, Louisiana Geological Survey, 51, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

A Paleochannel palimpsest within Spanish Lake Area, Southeast Louisiana, and its archaeological significance. Louisiana: Heinrich, P. V. 2009b, NewsInsights, vol. 19, no. 1, p. 7, Louisiana Geological Survey, 51, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Comments about Pleistocene stratigraphy in “Gulf coastal plain regional contrasts” key to lowstand and uplift-driven extensive Pleistocene denudation”: Heinrich, P. V., 2009a, Southeastern Geology, vol. 46, no. 4, p. 209-218.

Geology of Grindstone Bluff, thalweg exposure of Wilcox Group near Shreveport, Louisiana: Horn, M., Heinrich, P. V. , and McCulloh, R. P., 2009, NewsInsights, vol. 19, no. 2., p. 1-4, Louisiana Geological Survey, 51, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

GCAGS 2009 field trip Hanson Brick Clay Pit Midway Group and Wilcox Group contact, September 26, 2009: McCulloh, R. P., Heinrich, P. V., Williamson, D., and Hanson, G., 2009, Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies, Austin, Texas.

LIDAR imagery and geologic mapping in Louisiana and similar humid-subtropical and Coastal-Plain Region: McCulloh, R. P., and Heinrich, P. V., 2009, NewsInsights, vol. 19, no. 1, p. 4-6, Louisiana Geological Survey, 51, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

The mysterious “spheres” of Ottosdal, South Africa: Heinrich, P. V. 2008b, NCSE Reports, v. 28, no. 1,p. 28-33.

Loess map of Louisiana: Heinrich, P. V., 2008a, Public Information Series, no. 12, Louisiana Geological Survey, 51, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Pseudoscience in Bosnia: Heinrich, P.V., 2007d, Science, v. 318, no. 5847, p. 42-43.

The Houston Ridge; an ancient shoreline in Calcasieu Parish: Heinrich, P. V., 2007a, NewsInsights, vol. 17, no. 1, p. 1-4, Louisiana Geological Survey, 51, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.



Planar Deformation Features Found Within a Possible Impact Structure, the Brushy Creek Feature, St. Helena Parish, LA [abs.]:  Matherne, C., Karunatillake, S., Hood, D.R., Duxbury, J., Herr, A., Heinrich, P., Horn, M., Webb, A., and Sivils, A., 2020, 51st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, No. 2326, p. 2361. Lunar and Planetary Institute, The Woodlands, Texas

Field Exploration of the Brushy Creek Feature: Possible Impact Structure in Louisiana [abs.]:  Webb, A., Hood, D.R., James, P., Ermakov, A., Heinrich, P., and Karunatillake, S., 2018, 51st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, No. 2083, p. 1619, Lunar and Planetary Institute, The Woodlands, Texas

Late Holocene Subsidence of Pierre Part Distributary Complex over the Napoleonville Salt Dome, Ascension and Assumption Parishes, Louisiana [abs.]: Heinrich, P. V., 2018, State of the Coast Conference 2018, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Underappreciated Collateral Effects of Gulf of Mexico Sea Level Rise [abs.]:  Heinrich, P. V., 2018, State of the Coast Conference 2018, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Allostratigraphy of Southwest Louisiana [abs.]: Heinrich, P. V., 2016, Baton Rouge Geological Society presentation, October 14, 2016. Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Investigation and GIS development of the buried Holocene-Pleistocene surface in the Louisiana Coastal Plain [abs.]: Heinrich, P. V., Paulsell, R., Milner, R., Snead, J. I., and Peele, H., 2016, 32nd Annual Louisiana Remote Sensing and GIS Workshop April 26-27, 2016, Lafayette, Louisiana.

Quaternary stratigraphy and neotectonics of Rapides Parish, Louisiana. A critical reexamination of Harold N. Fisk’s terrace stratigraphy and nomenclature [abs.]: Heinrich, P. V., 2011, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. vol. 43, no. 3, p. 41.

Causes and effects of late Holocene subsidence on the Pierre Part distributary complex Ascension and Assumption parishes, Louisiana [abs.]:  Heinrich, P. V., 2015, 9th Louisiana Water Conference, April 20-21, 2015. Louisiana Water Resources Research Institute, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Geologic Mapping of the Mississippi River Delta Region at 1:100,000 Scale [abs.]: McCulloh, R. P., Heinrich, P. V., and John, C. J., 2015, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. vol. 47, no. 7, p. 118.

Late Quaternary Paleovalleys and Archaeological Potential on the Outer Continental Shelf Offshore Louisiana [abs.]: McCulloh, R. P., Heinrich, P. V., Miner, M., Paulsell, R., and Milner, R., 2016, Baton Rouge Geological Society presentation, August 14, 2016, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Late Quaternary stratigraphic evolution of the southwestern Louisiana inner continental shelf: Paleo-landscape preservation potential and implications for offshore sand resources [abs.]:  Heinrich, P., Miner, M., Paulsell, R., and McCulloh, R. P., 2015, Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions, vol. 65, p. 633.

Late Quaternary stream and estuarine Systems to Holocene sea level rise on the OCS Louisiana and Mississippi: Preservation potential of prehistoric cultural and sand resources [abs.]: Heinrich, P. V., McCulloh, R. P., Miner, M., Paulsell, R., and Milner, R., 2015b, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM), Marine Minerals Program Science Exchange 2015, December 2, 2015.

Louisiana Geological Survey 30 by 60 Minute Surface Geologic Map Coverage of Louisiana [abs.]: Peele, R. H., McCulloh, R. P., Heinrich, P. V., Snead, J. I., Paulsell, R. L., and Pond, L., 2015, 31st annual Louisiana Remote Sensing & GIS Workshop, May 12-13, 2015, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Mapping of Late Quaternary paleovalleys on the outer continental shelf offshore Louisiana [abs.]: Heinrich, P. V., McCulloh, R. P., Miner, M., Paulsell, R., and Milner, R., 2015a, 31st annual Louisiana Remote Sensing & GIS Workshop, May 12-13, 2015, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Research and GIS Development of the "Base of Holocene" for the Louisiana Coastal Plain and Adjacent Continental Shelf [abs.]: Paulsell, R., Heinrich, P. V., Snead, j. I., Milner, R., and Peele, R. H., 2015, 31st annual Louisiana Remote Sensing & GIS Workshop, May 12-13, 2015, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Louisiana Coastal Zone research and mapping by the Louisiana Geological Survey [abs.]:  Heinrich, P. V., Milner, R., Snead, J. I., Peele, H., and Paulsell, R., 2014, State of the Coast Meeting, March 18-20, 2014, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Status of NCGMP-supported surface geologic mapping in Louisiana [abs.]: McCulloh, R. P., Heinrich, P. V. , Snead, J. I., Horn, M., Peele, R. H., Paulsell, R. L., and John, C. J., 2014, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, vol. 46, no. 1, p. 41.

The Geochemistry of the Chalk Hills Member of the Catahoula Formation of Texas, U.S.A. [abs.]: McGuire, K. M., Jordan, B. R., and Heinrich, B. R., 2010, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, vol. 42, no. 5, p. 270.

Floating islands as taphonomic agents in the offshore dispersal of vertebrate remains [abs.]: Heinrich, P. V., 2008, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, vol. 40, no. 6, p. 371.


Select Geologic Maps:

Landforms of the Louisiana Coastal Plain: Snead, J.I., McCulloh, R.P., and Heinrich, P.V., 2019, Maps and Atlas Series No. 15, Louisiana Geological Survey, 51, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 1:380,160 map + pamphlet.

Epps, LA Geologic Quadrangle Map: Scale 1:24,000. Heinrich, P. V., Snead, J I., and McCulloh, R. P. (compilers), 2016, Geologic map prepared by the Louisiana Geological Survey, Baton Rouge, Louisiana for United States Geological Survey Service, Reston, Virginia.

Pride, LA Geologic Quadrangle Map: Scale 1:24,000. McCulloh, R. P., and Heinrich, P. V. (compilers), 2016, Geologic map prepared by the Louisiana Geological Survey, Baton Rouge, Louisiana for United States Geological Survey Service, Reston, Virginia.

Pioneer Geologic Quadrangle Map: Scale 1:24,000. Heinrich, P. V., Snead, J I., and McCulloh, R. P. (compilers), 2016b, Geologic Quadrangle Map: Scale 1:24,000. Scale Geologic map prepared by the Louisiana Geological Survey, Baton Rouge, Louisiana for United States Geological Survey Service, Reston, Virginia.

Natchitoches, LA Geologic Quadrangle Map. Scale 1:100,000. Heinrich, P. V., McCulloh, R. P., Horn, M., and Snead, J. I. (compilers), 2016, Louisiana Geological Survey, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Watson, LA Geologic Quadrangle Map: Scale 1:24,000. McCulloh, R. P., and Heinrich, P. V. (compilers), 2016, Geologic map prepared by the Louisiana Geological Survey, Baton Rouge, Louisiana for United States Geological Survey Service, Reston, Virginia.

Bastrop, LA Geologic Quadrangle Map. Scale 1:100,000. Heinrich, P. V., Snead, J. I., and McCulloh, R. P. (compilers), 2015, Louisiana Geological Survey, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Buhler, LA Geologic Quadrangle Map, Scale 1:24,000. Heinrich, P. V., and McCulloh, R. P. (compilers), 2015, Geologic map prepared by the Louisiana Geological Survey, Baton Rouge, Louisiana for United States Geological Survey Service, Reston, Virginia.

Leesville, LA Geologic Quadrangle Map, Scale 1:100,000. Heinrich, P. V., Horn, M., McCulloh, R. P., and Snead, J. I. (compilers), 2015, Louisiana Geological Survey, Baton Rouge.

Moss Bluff, LA Geologic Quadrangle Map, Scale 1:24,000. Heinrich, P. V., and McCulloh, R. P. (compilers), 2015, Geologic map prepared by the Louisiana Geological Survey, Baton Rouge, Louisiana for United States Geological Survey Service, Reston, Virginia.

Tallulah Geologic Quadrangle Map. Scale 1:100,000. Snead, J. I., Heinrich, P. V., and McCulloh, R. P. (compilers), 2015, Geologic Quadrangle Maps (1:100,000) no. 21, Louisiana Geological Survey, Baton Rouge.

Westlake, LA Geologic Quadrangle Map, Scale 1:24,000. Heinrich, P. V., and McCulloh, R. P. (compilers), 2015, Geologic map prepared by the Louisiana Geological Survey, Baton Rouge, Louisiana for United States Geological Survey Service, Reston, Virginia.

Natchez Geologic Quadrangle Map. Scale 1:100,000. STATEMAP 2011 Mapping Team, 2012, Geologic map prepared by the Louisiana Geological Survey, Baton Rouge, Louisiana for United States Geological Survey Service, Reston, Virginia.

Atchafalaya Bay, LA Geologic Quadrangle Map. Scale 1:100,000. Heinrich, P. V., and Snead, J. I. (compilers), 2011, Louisiana Geological Survey, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

New Orleans, LA Geologic Quadrangle Map, Scale 1:100,000. Heinrich, P. V., McCulloh, R. P., and Horn, M. (compilers), 2011, Louisiana Geological Survey, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Morgan City Geologic Quadrangle Map. Scale 1:100,000. Snead, J. I., and Heinrich, P. V. (compilers), 2011. Geologic Quadrangle Maps (1:100,000). Louisiana Geological Survey, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Terrebonne Bay, LA Geologic Quadrangle Map. Scale 1:100,000. Heinrich, P. V., McCulloh, R. P., and Horn, M. (compilers), 2011, Louisiana Geological Survey, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Monroe North Geologic Quadrangle Map: Scale 1:100,000. McCulloh, R. P., and Heinrich, P. V. (compilers), 2010, Geologic Quadrangle Maps (1:100,000) no. 13. Louisiana Geological Survey, Baton Rouge.

Monroe South Geologic Quadrangle Map: Scale 1:100,000. McCulloh, R. P., and Heinrich, P. V. (compilers), 2010, Geologic Quadrangle Maps (1:100,000), Louisiana Geological Survey, Baton Rouge.

Amite Geologic Quadrangle Map. Scale 1:100,000. McCulloh, R. P., Heinrich, P. V., and Snead, J. I. (compilers), 2009, Geologic Quadrangle Maps (1:100,000) no. 12, Louisiana Geological Survey, Baton Rouge.

Ashland, LA, Geologic Quadrangle Map. Scale 1:24,000. McCulloh, R. P., Heinrich, P. V., and Horn, M. (compilers), 2009, Geologic map prepared by the Louisiana Geological Survey, Baton Rouge, Louisiana for United States Geological Survey Service, Reston, Virginia.

Fryeburg, LA, Geologic Quadrangle Map: Scale 1:24,000. McCulloh, R. P., Heinrich, P. V., and Horn, M. (compilers), 2009, Geologic map prepared by the Louisiana Geological Survey, Baton Rouge, Louisiana for United States Geological Survey Service, Reston, Virginia.

North Highlands, LA, Geologic Quadrangle Map: Scale 1:24,000. McCulloh, R. P., Heinrich, P. V., and Horn, M. (compilers), 2009, Geologic map prepared by the Louisiana Geological Survey, Baton Rouge, Louisiana for United States Geological Survey Service, Reston, Virginia.

Greensburg, LA, Geologic Quadrangle Map: Scale 1:24,000. McCulloh, R. P. and Heinrich, P. V. (compilers), 2008, Geologic map prepared by the Louisiana Geological Survey, Baton Rouge, Louisiana for United States Geological Survey Service, Reston, Virginia.

Hatcherville, LA, Geologic Quadrangle Map: Scale 1:24,000. McCulloh, R. P., and Heinrich, P. V. (compilers), 2008, Geologic map prepared by the Louisiana Geological Survey, Baton Rouge, Louisiana for United States Geological Survey Service, Reston, Virginia.

Watson, LA, Geologic Quadrangle Map: Scale 1:24,000. McCulloh, R. P. and Heinrich, P. V. (compilers), 2008, Geologic map prepared by the Louisiana Geological Survey, Baton Rouge, Louisiana for United States Geological Survey Service, Reston, Virginia.

Woodville, LA Geologic Quadrangle. Geologic Quadrangle Map, Scale 1:100,000. Heinrich, P. V. (compiler), 2008, Louisiana Geological Survey, Baton Rouge.

Bogalusa, LA Geologic Quadrangle Map. Scale 1:100,000. Heinrich, P. V., McCulloh, R. P., and Snead, J. I. (compilers), 2007, Louisiana Geological Survey, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Fred, LA 7.5-minute geologic quadrangle. Scale 1:24,000. Open-File Map no. 2007-03, McCulloh, R. P. and Heinrich, P. V. (compilers), 2007, Louisiana Geological Survey, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

New Roads, LA Geologic Quadrangle Map, Scale 1:100,000. Heinrich, P. V and McCulloh, R. P. (compilers), 2007, Open-File Map no. 2007-04, Louisiana Geological Survey, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Port Hudson, LA 7.5-minute Geologic Quadrangle Map, Scale 1:24,000. Heinrich, P. V. and McCulloh, R. P. (compilers), 2007, Open-File Map no. 2007-01, Louisiana Geological Survey, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Zachary, LA Geologic Quadrangle Map. Scale 1:24,000. Open-File Map no. 2007-02, McCulloh, R. P. and Heinrich, P. V. (compilers), 2007, Louisiana Geological Survey, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.


Technical Reports:

Response of Late Quaternary Valley systems to Holocene sea level rise on continental shelf offshore Louisiana: preservation potential of paleolandscapes: Heinrich, P.V., Miner, M., Paulsell R., and McCulloh R.P, 2020, US Department of the Interior, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, New Orleans, Louisiana. Report No.: BOEM 2020-004. Agreement No.: M12AC000020. 104 p.

Investigation and GIS development of the buried Holocene-Pleistocene surface in the Louisiana coastal plain: Heinrich, P. V., Paulsell, R., Milner, R., Snead, J. I., and Peele, R. H., 2015, - Report by Louisiana Geological Survey for Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority of Louisiana, 140 p.

Response of Late Quaternary Stream and Estuarine Systems to Holocene Sea Level Rise on the Outer Continental Shelf Offshore Louisiana and Texas: Preservation Potential of Paleolandscapes and Identification of Sand resources for Coastal restoration. Heinrich, P. V., Paulsell, R., Miner, M., McCulloh, R. P., and Milner, R., in review, Draft report by Louisiana Geological Survey Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, U.S. Department of Interior, Metairie, Louisiana.

Phase I Archaeological Survey of the New Orleans Rail Gateway Infrastructure Improvement project, Jefferson and Orleans Parishes, New Orleans: Hinks, S. J., Heinrich, P. V., and Belfast, J. A., 2012, Report by Michael Baker Jr., Inc., Moon Township, Pennsylvania, for Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Bibliography of Louisiana Coastal Plain and Continental Shelf Geology: Heinrich, P. V., R. Milner, J. I. Snead, H. Peele, and R. Paulsell, 2011a, Report by Louisiana Geological Survey for Louisiana Applied Coastal Engineering and Science (LACES) Division, Office of Coastal Protection and Restoration, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Quaternary Geology of the Louisiana Coastal Plain & Continental Shelf, Part 1-Small Scale GIS Compilation: Heinrich, P. V., Milner, R., Snead, J. I. , Paulsell, R.L., and R. Peele, H., 2011, Report by Louisiana Geological Survey for Louisiana Applied Coastal Engineering and Science (LACES) Division, Office of Coastal Protection and Restoration, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Phase 1 Archaeological Survey of the Bossier Parish East-West Corridor (Winfield Road Extension), Bossier Parish, Louisiana: Hinks, S. J., Robinson, R. R. , Heinrich, P. V., Lombardi, K. M., Belfast, J. A. , and Fuess, M. T., 2010, Report by Michael Baker Jr., Inc., Moon Township, Pennsylvania, for Northwest Louisiana Council of Governments, Shreveport, Louisiana, and Federal Highway Administration, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Phase I. Cultural Resource Survey of the Lake Kilarney Ecosystem Restoration Project, West Feliciana Parish, Louisiana: Perrault, S. L., Saucier, R. T., Heinrich, P. V., Lee, D., and Ryan, J., 2009, Report by Coastal Environment, Inc., Baton Rouge, Louisiana, for New Orleans District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

Cultural resources survey of the Caminada Headland restoration feasibility study, Lafourche and Jefferson parishes, Louisiana: Braud, M. R., Weinstein, R. A. , Heinrich, P. V., Reeves, W. D., Davis, D., Castille, G. J., III and Ryan, J., 2008, Report by Coastal Environment, Inc., Baton Rouge, Louisiana, for New Orleans District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

Data Recovery within the expanded Right-of-Way for Highway 165 at the Filhiol Mound Site (16OU2), Ouachita Parish, Louisiana: Jones, D., Shuman, M. Haley, B., Heinrich, P. V., Hannan, M., Coxe, C. L., and Woodward, R., 2008, Report by Surveys Unlimited Research Associates, Inc., Baton Rouge, Louisiana for Louisiana Department of Development and Transportation, Baton Rouge.

Phase I Cultural Resources Survey I-69 SIU 15, US 171 to I-20, DeSoto, Caddo, and Bossier Parishes, Louisiana vol. 1 & 2: Lindemuth, J., Dendy, J., Barrow, P., Heinrich, P. V. , Welch, C., Wilson, R., and Newman, S., 2007, Report by Gulf South Research Corporation for Louisiana Department of Development and Transportation, Baton Rouge.


Popular Articles:

Llanite and the Blue Quartz of Texas: Heinrich, P. V., 2014, The Backbender’s Gazette: The Newsletter of the Houston Gem & Mineral Society Houston, TX. Vol. XIV, no. 5, pp. 5-12.

The Mysterious Hico Structure, Hamilton-Erath Counties, Texas: Heinrich, P. V., 2012, Meteorite Times Magazine.

The Giant Concretions of Rock City, Kansas: The Backbender’s Gazette: Heinrich, P. V., 2007ca, The Newsletter of the Houston Gem & Mineral Society Houston, TX. Vol. XXXVIII, no. 8,  pp. 6-12.

South African Concretions of Controversy: Heinrich, P. V., 2007d, South African Lapidary Magazine. vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 7-11.